There’s no wrong side in knitting brioche: each row is knitted on both sides, creating a thick, cushiony fabric that is lush and lovely in one color and spectacular in two or more. Patterns are equally attractive front and back, perfect for scarves and shawls, and even larger garments where such versatility is desired. Learn the basics and nuances of brioche from an instructor who has spent 20 years researching and refining this increasingly popular stitch!
- Class Preview
- Introduction
- One-Color Brioche
- The One-Color Jacki Scarf
- Two-Color Brioche
- Two-Color Increases, Decreases & Bind-Offs
- The Two-Color Alex Scarf
- Brioche in the Round
- Troubleshooting & Tips
- Reading a Brioche Chart
- Brioche Variations
Taught by
Nancy Marchant