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Welcome to the Kafka Integration with Storm, Spark, Flume, and Security course!
The course is designed to equip you with advanced skills and knowledge in real-time data processing and data security frameworks. In today's data-driven world, organizations rely heavily on robust frameworks like Apache Storm, Apache Spark, and Apache Flume to handle large-scale data processing efficiently while ensuring data integrity and security.
This course requires a solid of Kafka and Java/Scala programming.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Analyze Apache Storm's architecture and topology.
- Implement Kafka Spouts in Storm topologies.
- Evaluate Apache Spark's components and functions.
- Develop and execute Spark applications integrated with Kafka.
- Utilize RDD and session operations in Spark.
- Configure Flume connectors for Kafka to HDFS.
- Understand and utilize Kafka Admin Client.
- Apply Kafka security measures like SASL and SSL.
This course contains engaging videos, demos, readings, and assessments to ensure a comprehensive understanding of Apache Kafka.