Do you want to create data analysis reports without writing a line of code? This course introduces SAS programming using SAS Studio. The power of SAS Studio comes from its visual point-and-click user interface that generates SAS code. All that you will learn in this course, you can apply seamlessly using SAS Enterprise Guide or SAS Viya as all platforms use the same programming language and same syntax.It is easier to learn SAS than to learn R and Python to accomplish data cleaning, statistics, and visualization tasks. If you use any other SAS product, this course will cover the SAS programming syntax and fundamentals needed to do your data reports.The course provides real-life examples including analyzing election predictions, stocks, oil and gold prices, crime, marketing, and healthcare. You will see data science in action and how easy it is to perform complicated tasks and visualizations in SAS.You will learn, step-by-step, how to do visualizations, including maps. In most cases, you will not need a line of code as you work with the SAS graphical user interface. The course includes explanations of the code that SAS IDE generates automatically. You will learn how to edit this code to perform more complicated advanced tasks.You will:Become familiar with SAS IDEUnderstand essential visualizationsKnow the fundamental statistical analysis required in most data science and analytics reportsClean the most common data set problemsUse linear progression for data predictionWrite programs in SASIntended AudienceThis class is most appropriate for data scientists and those wanting data analytics. Individuals mastering the content of this class will be qualified to pass the SAS certification exams for SAS 9.4 Base Programming (A00-231) and SAS 9.4 Programming Fundamentals (A00-215). Also, class participants will be on their way toward being qualified for the SAS 9.4 Advanced Programming (A00-212). Speak with the instructor or to a customer service representative to get additional supplemental material to prepare for the Advanced Programming certification.Course OutlinePart I: Basics:Data Science in ActionData Science ProcessCase Study: Presidential Elections in Maine:PopulationGenderRaceAgeVoter TurnoutWinning Candidates in 2012Categories/IssuesFactors Affecting Maine’s EconomyModelingMy 2016 PredictionsMy 2020 PredictionsGetting Started:How Do You Install SAS Studio?What Is SAS and SAS Studio?TourTasksReportsGraphsSnippetsMain Components of a SAS ProgramData StepVariable TypesProc StepLibrariesAccessing Your Existing Local FilesAccessing Data in SAS LibrariesCreate a New LibraryAdd a New Table to the LibraryINFILE techniqueData Visualization:Scatter PlotScatter Plot CodeScatter Plot RelationshipsPlotting More Than One Scatter Plot in the Same ImageHistogramAppearance TabSeries PlotBar ChartHow Do You Sort A Bar Chart?Create a Histogram Using a Bar ChartBubble ChartMapsBubble MapCluster AnalysisStatistical Analysis and Linear Models:Statistical AnalysisOne-Way FrequencySummary StatisticsCorrelation AnalysisT-TestsOne-Sample T-testsPaired-sample T-testTwo-Sample T-testsLinear ModelsOne-Way ANOVAN-Way ANOVAAdvanced Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering:Comment StatementArithmetic OperatorsHow to Represent Missing Values in Raw DataComparison OperatorsPROC SQL StatementSELECT-WHERE StatementWHERE ClauseSELECT-WHEN-OTHERWISE StatementDO LoopsPreparing Data for Analysis:LabelFormatCreate New VariablesRearrange the Dataset VariablesIF Statement IF (Condition) Without THEN statementIF-THEN StatementIF-THEN-ELSE StatementDROP StatementSET StatementRegression:Simple Linear RegressionMultiple Linear RegressionLogistic RegressionProject/Case StudyWe will work on another data set to practice by hand everything we learned throughout the course. We will clean the data column by column including character, numeric, date and time variables and how to do typecasting. We will find the correlation between the outcome and the variables.
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ONLC Training Centers