In this live, instructor-led training course, students who already have a programming background will learn to program in Python. Attendees will learn: how Python works and its place in the world of programming languages; to work with and manipulate strings; to perform math operations; to work with Python sequences; to collect user input and output results; flow control processing; to write to, and read from, files; to write functions; to handle exception; and work with dates and times. This Python course is taught using Python 3. Differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted.AudienceStudents new to the Python language who already have experience with other programming languages.PrerequisitesThis course is specially designed for individuals with prior programming background. You should also have a working knowledge of Object Oriented Programming concepts. If you have no prior programming experience or are not familiar with Object Oriented Programming, you should consider our "Python Programming Level 1: Introduction for Non-Programmers" course instead.Course OutlineVital Python – Math, Strings, Conditionals, and LoopsVital PythonNumbers: Operations, Types, and VariablesTo Open a Jupyter NotebookPython as a CalculatorStandard Math OperationsBasic Math OperationsOrder of OperationsSpacing in PythonNumber Types: Integers and FloatsComplex Number TypesErrors in PythonVariablesVariable AssignmentChanging TypesReassigning Variables in Terms of ThemselvesVariable NamesMultiple VariablesCommentsDocstringsTheorem in PythonStrings: Concatenation, Methods, and input()String SyntaxEscape Sequences with QuotesMulti-Line StringsThe print() FunctionString Operations and ConcatenationString InterpolationComma SeparatorsFormatThe len() FunctionString MethodsCastingThe input() FunctionString Indexing and SlicingIndexingSlicingStrings and Their MethodsBooleans and ConditionalsBooleansLogical OperatorsComparison OperatorsComparing StringsConditionalsThe if SyntaxIndentationif elseThe elif StatementLoopsThe while LoopsAn Infinite LoopbreakProgramsThe for LoopThe continue KeywordPython StructuresThe Power of ListsList MethodsAccessing an Item from a ListAdding an Item to a ListDictionary Keys and Valuesa List and a DictionaryZipping and Unzipping Dictionaries Using zip()Dictionary MethodsTuplesA Survey of SetsSet OperationsChoosing TypesExecuting Python – ProgramsAlgorithms, and FunctionsIntroductionPython Scripts and ModulesShebangs in UbuntuDocstringsImportsThe if __name__ == "__main__" StatementBasic FunctionsPositional ArgumentsKeyword ArgumentsIterative FunctionsExiting EarlyActivity 10: The Fibonacci Function with an IterationHelper FunctionsDon't Repeat YourselfVariable ScopeVariablesDefining inside versus outside a FunctionThe Global KeywordThe Nonlocal KeywordLambda FunctionsMapping with Lambda FunctionsFiltering with Lambda FunctionsSorting with Lambda FunctionsExtending Python, Files, Errors, and GraphsReading FilesWriting Filesthe Date and Time in a Text File
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