Autumn is a dynamic season in the garden. Many plants are heading into dormancy, while others are in a period of active growth. Doing the right gardening tasks now can set the stage for next year's garden: adding new plants for seasonal interest or making changes to address problems observed over the past season. Some of the best things to do - or to avoid - at this time of year may seem counter-intuitive to some gardeners. This session will cover what to plant in fall, lawn care, how to prepare the garden for winter, and how to maximize seasonal interest and appearance.
About this series:
Plants and gardens don't live by the written calendar, but by the seasonal cycles and cues of changes in daylight, temperature, and moisture. When gardeners become acquainted with the seasonal rhythms and life cycles in the garden, and learn to work in sync with nature, caring for the garden becomes more of a process and less of a battle with potential garden enemies. This series will help beginning and seasoned gardeners learn how to capitalize on optimal timing and sustainable practices to have a great garden all year long.