Advanced Animation Voice Over Intensive with Heather Dame, Voice-Over Agent, Atlas Talent As an agent who built Atlas' animation and game departments from the ground up, Heather has the background and experience to give insight and perspective on not only how to get started in animation, but once you have an agent, how to grow and thrive in a full career. EVENT OVERVIEW: She'll start off with an intro/Q&A answering all questions with 100% transparency and honesty, so bring any question you've ever wanted to ask about animation and/or agents or both! After that, you'll get in the "virtual" booth.Heather has a great birdseye point of view on what casting is looking for across all networks. She'll also give you great insight into the audition process and the auditions that tend to win the job!Limited to 12 V/O actors! PLEASE NOTE: Heather would only like to work with VO actors who she has not previously met before. WHAT TO PREPARE: For this intensive, please bring a few sets of animation/game copy to work with her on. Her intensive will get through at least one per person, if not more. Be prepared for 2-3 just in case you want to pivot or she asks you to read something completely different.Need help finding copy? Here are some animated script resources: Animated scripts 1 Animated scripts 2 Please email [email protected] your choice of copies AS AN ATTACHMENT (files should be labeled YourName_CHARACTER) by 5pm (EST) the DAY BEFORE the event.
Taught by
Actors Connection New York