Dive into the world of SQL Joins guided by the unforgettable hits of Taylor Swift. This course is designed to expand your data analysis skills by exploring the concept of table joins. With Taylor's discography as a backdrop, learn how to uncover intricate relationships within a database. This course blends the love for music with the thrill of data discovery.
- Lesson 1: Joining the Charts: Exploring SQL JOINs
- Exploring All Entries in the Songs Table
- Filter Songs by their Popularity
- Debugging SQL Queries for Song Duration Filtering
- Discovering Danceable Tracks
- Top 5 Most Popular Songs
- Lesson 2: Linking Albums to Songs with INNER JOIN
- First SQL Join: Albums and Songs
- Sorting the Discography with SQL JOINs
- Spot and Fix the SQL Bug
- Adding Conditions with SQL INNER JOIN
- Mastering SQL Inner Joins
- Lesson 3: Mastering LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN in SQL
- Running a Left Join between Albums and Songs
- Exploring Right Joins with Songs and Albums
- Troubleshooting a RIGHT JOIN SQL Query
- Joining Songs with Albums using LEFT JOIN
- Mastering RIGHT JOIN in SQL
- Lesson 4: SQL FULL JOIN: The Grand Unification of Taylor's Discography
- Adding Song Popularity to Album Listing
- Exploring Albums and Songs with LEFT JOIN
- Join Albums with Songs Using LEFT JOIN
- Mimicking FULL JOIN in MySQL
- Lesson 5: Practicing More Advanced Examples
- Querying Song and Album Names with SQL JOINs
- Adding Missing Attributes to SQL Query
- Creating SQL INNER JOIN from Scratch
- Combining Three Tables with SQL Inner Join
- Joining Tables to Gather Song Details