Learn Django Rest Framework to build basic APIs with CRUD operations. Discover how to implement filtering, sorting, and basic authentication. Ideal for developers seeking to create efficient and secure applications using Python's powerful frameworks.
- Introduction to Django and Django REST Framework
- Start your journey in back-end development with Django and Django REST Framework (DRF). This course will introduce you to Django, setting up a basic project, creating models, and building your first API endpoints.
- CRUD Operations with Django REST Framework
- This course covers CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Django REST Framework. Master adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting To-Do items through API endpoints.
- Enhancing Your To-Do API with Filtering, Sorting and Pagination
- Enhance the functionality of your API with filtering, pagination, and sorting. This course helps you manage large datasets and ensure your APIs are efficient and user-friendly.
- Testing in Django REST Framework
- Switch from manual testing with `send_request.py` to automated testing using Django REST Framework's built-in testing capabilities. This course will help you understand the basics of writing tests for your API endpoints, improving reliability, and ensuring your code functions as expected.
- Advanced Database Schema Design in Django
- Elevate your Django skills by mastering advanced database schema designs. This course will cover one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships in Django models. You'll learn to model relationships effectively and understand how to set up serializers and views for these complex structures.
- User Authentication and Permissions in DRF
- Learn to secure your API endpoints by adding user authentication and permissions. This course covers user registration, login, and protecting your API endpoints to only allow authenticated users.
Start your journey in back-end development with Django and Django REST Framework (DRF). This course will introduce you to Django, setting up a basic project, creating models, and building your first API endpoints.
This course covers CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Django REST Framework. Master adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting To-Do items through API endpoints.
Enhance the functionality of your API with filtering, pagination, and sorting. This course helps you manage large datasets and ensure your APIs are efficient and user-friendly.
Switch from manual testing with `send_request.py` to automated testing using Django REST Framework's built-in testing capabilities. This course will help you understand the basics of writing tests for your API endpoints, improving reliability, and ensuring your code functions as expected.
Elevate your Django skills by mastering advanced database schema designs. This course will cover one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships in Django models. You'll learn to model relationships effectively and understand how to set up serializers and views for these complex structures.
Learn to secure your API endpoints by adding user authentication and permissions. This course covers user registration, login, and protecting your API endpoints to only allow authenticated users.