This course provides CFOs, vice presidents, and managing directors for finance a high-level explanation of cloud computing technology. Learners explore what the cloud is, why they should care about the cloud, challenges and considerations during a digital transformation, and how CFOs can engage with CIOs.
   •   Course level: Fundamental
   •   Duration: 13 minutes
This course includes five videos.
Course objectives
In this course, you will:
   •   Explore what the cloud is and the value proposition.
   •   Identify challenges with the cloud.
   •   Understand the CFO role during a digital transformation.
   •   Determine how to engage with CIOs.
Intended audience
This course is intended for:
   •   CFOs
   •   Vice presidents of finance
   •   Managing directors of finance
Course outline
Video 1: What Is the Cloud and Why Should You Care about the Cloud?
Video 2: Five Considerations before Moving to the Cloud
Video 3: What Is the Role of the CFO during a Digital Transformation?
Video 4: What Challenges Do CFOs Have with the Cloud?
Video 5: How Can CFOs Engage with CIOs in a Cloud Migration?