Meteorology is fundamental for sailing safety and is the very essence of strategy for winning any regatta. It is also the science most directly linked to ocean sailing.
Whether you are already a sailing fan or not, on this course you can learn about the mechanics of global weather and what knowledge of that sailors require. You will learn about the foundations of ocean meteorology, how digital files are generated based on prediction models and how sailors receive these via satellite and then integrate them into high-performance navigation software. This knowledge is useful both in sailing and in other activities conditioned by meteorology across the planet.
You will also learn how to analyse the meteorological characteristics of the Barcelona World Racecourse, which crosses up to 12 different climate zones, with the boats going up against some of the world's most extreme weather phenomena. The regatta takes the yachts through the Mediterranean Sea, the North and South Atlantic, the Indian and South Pacific Oceans. You will learn how to use thefoundations of climate and meteorology strategy to win a regatta and you will gain insight into how the sailors experience this science first hand as they race across the oceans.
To follow the course it is recommended that you have some basic knowledge of meteorology.
When the course has been completed, students may request a certificate from the University of Barcelona (UB).