This course presents a wide ranging discussion of informatics and analytics in sport contexts. There are some introductory ideas for those new to this field of study and practice. One of the features of the course will be the contributions experts in the field will make. The course has some exciting global connections to energise and develop.
Considerable emphasis will be placed on connecting with each other during the course. One of the key features of this course will be the encouragement of self-organising networks of discussion and sharing.
The course is planned as a non-linear course. Participants are invited to pursue their interests in whatever content and conversation they choose within the four themes in the course: introduction to informatics and analytics; pattern recognition; performance monitoring; and sharing data. Each of these themes will provide an opportunity for structured attention during the course.
This is an important time for those interested in the observation and analysis of sport performance. This course aims to contribute to the vibrant discussion of theory and practice in informatics and analytics in sport and through its invitational approach aspires to create an open access resource that contributes to ongoing discussion.
Course objectives include:
- explore the relationships between informatics and analytics in sport contexts
- encourage open sharing of experiences of and practices in informatics and analytics in sport
- investigate pattern recognition in data with a supervised learning task
- share technological innovation in the monitoring of performance
- consider how analytics data are shared with different audiences with specific consideration of visualisation techniques