Business Intelligence and Visual Analytics
University of California, Irvine via Coursera
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Building on “Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence,” this course focuses on data visualization and visual analytics. Starting with a thorough coverage of what data visualization is and what type of visualization is good for a given purpose, the course quickly dives into development of practical skills and knowledge about visual analytics by way of using one of the most popular visual analytics tools: SAS Viya, a cloud-based analytics platform. An overview of cloud architecture, automation, and machine learning is also provided.
- Data Visualization and Visual Analytics
- Welcome to Module 1, Data Visualization and Visual Analytics. In this model, we will go over the need for data visualization in business reporting. We will identify the benefits of data visualization as well as differentiate between types of data visualizations. We will also overview visual analytics and the landscape of visual analytics tools. Finally, in our activity, we will describe an effective visualization and how to derive value and insight based on available data points.
- Visual Analytics Basics and SAS Viya Platform
- Welcome to Module 2, Visual Analytics Basics and SAS Viya Platform. This module provides an introduction to SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Viya. Through this module, we will identify the phases and select the features of SAS Visual Analytics. In our activity, we will identify the types of reports that could be useful for specific datasets. We will also describe the import process for datasets in SAS Data studio.
- Developing Advanced Visualizations with SAS Viya
- Welcome to Module 3, Developing Advanced Visualizations with SAS Viya. Through this module, we will go over how to use SAS Viya to create data visualizations. We will identify key features and functions of SAS Visual Analytics. We will also learn key functions in SAS and be able to differentiate between their functionalities. Finally, in our activity, we will create interactive data reports and describe the value and insights that can be derived from data reports.
- Advanced Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Topics
- Welcome to Module 4, Advanced Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Topics. In this final module, we will define machine learning, identify the key enablers of big data, and list the advantages of cloud-based architectures. Our course (and specialization) culminates in this module’s graded assignment. In it, we will design and implement a dashboard in SAS Visual Analytics, tell a cohesive story through data, and derive insights from interaction on a visualization dashboard. We will also practice our new skills in visual analytics by peer reviewing other’s dashboards.
Taught by
Tim Carrington