Teachers in the classroom today have to be equipped with a variety of tools. Not only do they need to have subject knowledge and the ability to effectively teach, they must also have excellent classroom management skills. When challenging behavior in the classroom becomes a barrier to instruction, teachers who understand the fundamental principles behind functional behavior assessment (FBA) are prepared to address the behavior before it becomes so disruptive additional resources outside the classroom are needed. Have you ever had a student who is constantly talking out, getting out of his seat, and disturbing his classmates while you are trying to teach? No matter how many times you say something to him the behavior persists or gets worse? You continually ask yourself… Why does David do that? In this course you will learn how to determine “Why?” a student engages in challenging behavior and develop interventions that promote positive behaviors, replacing challenging behavior.
Whether teaching in a general education or special education setting, the key to effective behavior intervention is the functional behavior assessment. There are various forms of the functional behavior assessment. We will focus on how teachers can use the direct method of functional behavior assessment as part of their classroom routine. In this course you will learn how to conduct an FBA. You will learn how to analyze the FBA to determine the antecedents that set the stage for challenging behavior, and determine the function of the behavior. You will also be able to use what you learn about principles of reinforcement, to create a function based intervention addressing the antecedents, consequences and promoting replacement behaviors. What you learn in this course will help you intervene with challenging behaviors in your classroom before they escalate into behaviors that require involvement of additional school faculty and staff beyond your classroom.