| Introducing @DelegatesTo annotation for code completion
Class Central Classrooms beta
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Classroom Contents
Implementing Custom DSL with Groovy in 20 Minutes
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- 1 | Introduction
- 2 | Implementing "pipeline" method
- 3 | PipelineDsl Groovy class
- 4 | Introducing closure delegation
- 5 | Introducing @DelegatesTo annotation for code completion
- 6 | Implementing "environment" method
- 7 | Introducing Groovy's "with" method
- 8 | StagesDsl Groovy class
- 9 | StageDsl Groovy class
- 10 | Steps Groovy class
- 11 | Implementing "echo" pipeline step
- 12 | Implementing "sh" pipeline step
- 13 | Introducing @NamedParams annotation
- 14 | Introducing @ClosureParams annotation
- 15 | Running example with the static compilation enabled