English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary

English with Lucy via YouTube Direct link

Food Phrasal Verbs

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47 of 111

Food Phrasal Verbs

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Classroom Contents

English Vocabulary

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  1. 1 How to use 'wanna' and 'gonna' CORRECTLY | SOUND LIKE A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER*
  2. 2 Pronounce the 100 Most Common English Words PERFECTLY | British English Pronunciation
  3. 3 LEND or BORROW? | British English Grammar
  4. 4 How do you pronounce OFTEN? | British English Pronunciation
  5. 5 How to Pronounce the Irregular Verbs in British Accent| British English Pronunciation
  6. 6 What do you do? | British & Australian Conversation & Filler Practice
  7. 7 Can YOU spell these 10 difficult words? | Commonly Misspelt Words
  8. 8 BRITISH SLANG | 5 Colloquial British English Words
  9. 9 Top 10 British English Homophones
  10. 10 American VS British English Words
  11. 11 10 Stunningly Beautiful English Words
  12. 12 5 Lovely English Proverbs
  13. 13 Amazing resource: Learn to pronounce ANY English word!
  14. 14 5 Travel Phrasal Verbs | Intermediate & Advanced English Vocabulary
  15. 15 DATES & YEARS in British & American English
  16. 16 5 Green Idioms | Vocabulary Lesson | St Patrick's Day 2017*
  17. 17 Top 5 Happy Expressions & Idioms | British English Vocabulary
  18. 18 5 Spring Idioms | English Vocabulary Lesson*
  19. 19 10 ADVANCED ways to say ANGRY or ANNOYED | Advanced English Vocabulary*
  20. 20 20 Words You (might) Pronounce Incorrectly | #Spon
  21. 21 LOOK, WATCH or SEE? | English Grammar and Vocabulary Lesson
  22. 22 10 English Love Expressions | English Vocabulary & Speaking
  23. 23 5 ways to improve your English every day! | Learn English Daily #Spon
  24. 24 12 Essential English Phrasal Verbs - Love & Relationships | English Vocabulary Lesson #Spon
  25. 25 How to use keen on, fond of & fan of in English | English Exam Vocabulary Lesson
  26. 26 5 Pretty Idioms | British English Vocabulary Lesson
  27. 27 How to build & expand your vocabulary - 4 useful steps for improvement #spon
  28. 28 10 Common British English Slang Expressions & Phrases | #Spon
  29. 29 10 Words with Interesting Origins (Etymology) | English Vocabulary Lesson
  30. 30 10 ways to say you are EXCITED in English | English Vocabulary Lesson
  31. 31 9 English Idioms with Explanations and Examples | Learn English Vocabulary Lesson #Spon
  32. 32 7 Ways to Improve English Writing Skills | IELTS | EXAM | ESSAY | ACADEMIC #Spon
  33. 33 10 English Expressions with HAVE - phrasal verbs, idioms and slang sayings
  34. 34 100 English phrases pronunciation and vocabulary lesson #Spon
  35. 35 How to describe APPEARANCE in English - Essential Advanced Adjective Vocabulary Lesson
  36. 36 10 Festive, Winter & Christmas Phrasal Verbs #Spon
  37. 37 13 IDIOMS for ILLNESS, SICKNESS & HEALTH | English Vocabulary Lesson #Spon
  38. 38 MISS or LOSE or MISSING? - Differences and Collocations | English Grammar Lesson #Spon
  39. 39 TOP 10 AMERICAN vs BRITISH FOOD DIFFERENCES | English Vocabulary Lesson
  40. 40 10 BRITISH SLANG VERBS & PHRASAL VERBS | Lingoda Language Marathon (€567 refund!!!) #Spon
  41. 41 THIS THESE THAT THOSE | How to USE and PRONOUNCE in British English #Spon
  42. 42 100 HARDEST English words pronunciation practice lesson (with definitions) | Learn British English
  43. 43 The 3 (everyday) words you should try to AVOID
  44. 44 How to TRANSITION to ADVANCED English level - vocabulary lesson
  45. 45 7 'polite' British insult idioms | Politely call someone a total idiot!
  46. 46 22 Business English Acronyms & Abbreviations You NEED (spon)
  47. 47 Food Phrasal Verbs
  48. 48 10 'TURN' PHRASAL VERBS - turn in, turn on, turn off, turn into, turn up, turn out
  49. 49 11 time idioms and expressions | English Vocabulary Lesson Common British English Expressions
  50. 50 Silent Letters in English A to Z with ALL RULES | British Accents and Pronunciation
  51. 51 12 English expressions with ALL | all talk, all nighter, all out, all along ...
  52. 52 How to talk about WEATHER in English - grammar, adjectives, verbs, nouns & idioms
  53. 53 AMERICAN vs. BRITISH expressions & phrases - we won't understand!
  54. 54 Learn Names of Fruit Vegetables & Nuts Vocabulary + Pronunciation British English Lesson
  55. 55 4 things to study EVERY DAY to become fluent in English
  56. 56 How to describe personality and character in English (with pronunciation)
  57. 57 DO NOT say "you're welcome"! Respond to "thank you" PROPERLY!
  58. 58 DO NOT say "how are you?"! Ask the question in a better way!
  59. 59 DO NOT SAY 'GOODBYE!' - We DON'T say this anymore! Say instead:
  60. 60 SELF INTRODUCTION | How to Introduce Yourself in English | Tell Me About Yourself Interview Answer
  61. 61 41 British House Cleaning Vocabulary Words, Phrases, Phrasal Verbs & Slang!
  62. 62 20 Stunningly Beautiful English Idioms - English Vocabulary Lesson
  63. 63 How do we REALLY express DISGUST in English!? ADVANCED VOCABULARY LESSON!
  64. 64 25 Stunningly Beautiful Advanced Phrasal Verbs - English Vocabulary Lesson
  65. 65 50 Beautiful Advanced Verbs
  67. 67 Criticise POLITELY without being RUDE | Polite English Criticism Phrases
  68. 68 36 Smart and Interesting Responses to 'HOW ARE YOU?'
  69. 69 42 Incredible Ways to Tell Someone they are BEAUTIFUL in English
  70. 70 15 Smart and Polite Ways to Say 'I DON'T LIKE' - Do NOT be RUDE in English!
  71. 71 The 7 Words Almost ALL English Learners Use INCORRECTLY (and many native speakers too!)
  72. 72 DO NOT SAY 'I think...' - say THIS instead - 21 more advanced alternative phrases
  73. 73 15 Common Verbs - 2 Pronunciations & Spellings!?
  74. 74 Stop saying 'I'm sorry...' - say THIS instead - 17 more advanced alternative phrases (STORY LESSON)
  75. 75 Learn the 100 Most Common Idioms in 30 Minutes (with examples)
  76. 76 20 Smart & Interesting Ways to Respond to 'What's up?'
  77. 77 British English Slang [Advanced Pronunciation Practice] - Reductions & Contractions
  78. 78 DO NOT SAY 'I know' or 'I understand' - there are MUCH better alternatives!
  79. 79 DO NOT SAY 'Can you repeat?' or 'I don't understand' - ask for repetition in this BETTER way!
  80. 80 AVOID Repeating These Words in Daily English Conversation - Use These Alternative Words
  81. 81 STOP FREEZING in English when you CAN'T REMEMBER a word! Improve English Conversation
  82. 82 25 Smart Sentences for Daily Use in English Conversation | Improve English Conversation Skills
  83. 83 100 Most Important British English Nouns - British English Pronunciation Training
  84. 84 AVOID repeating 'SAID' - 50 best alternatives through STORY!
  85. 85 English Conversation - Daily Routine (with vocabulary)
  86. 86 Learn 15 Phrasal Verbs with 'GET' in context: get by, get across, get through...
  87. 87 15 Funny English Idioms (make people laugh!)
  88. 88 20 Different Ways To Wish ‘Good Morning’ & 'Good Night' - Alternative English Greetings!
  89. 89 Learn 15 time expressions in English!
  90. 90 20 Incredibly British Words & Phrases (with examples and pronunciation)
  91. 91 30 Minute Hobbies & Sport Vocabulary Conversation Practice (with PDF and subtitles)
  92. 92 15 Different Ways To Say ‘I'm busy!' - Alternative English Phrases!
  93. 93 AVOID Repeating These 6 Everyday Words in Daily English Conversation - Use Advanced Alternatives
  94. 94 DO NOT confuse these words! Either or Neither? Advice or Advise? Affect or Effect? Bring or Take?
  95. 95 STOP confusing these words! Especially or Specially? Assure or Ensure? Inquire or Enquire?
  96. 96 You MUST NOT confuse these words! Luggage or Baggage? Complex or complicated? Beside or Besides?
  97. 97 Can YOU pass this spelling test? 98% CANNOT! 50 most MISSPELLED words (with worksheet)
  98. 98 20 Common English Expressions you HAVE to Know (with Examples)
  99. 99 20 Different Ways To Wish ‘Happy Birthday’ & 'Happy Anniversary' - Alternative English Phrases!
  100. 100 20 Ways to Wish ‘Good Luck’ & 'Congratulations' - 29 Alternative English Phrases!
  101. 101 15 Stunningly Beautiful English Words YOU Should Use More Often!
  102. 102 Avoid Repeating BECAUSE! - Use these ADVANCED English alternatives!
  103. 103 30 Tough but Very Important Advanced English Phrases for Daily Use
  104. 104 10 Weirdest & Most Confusing Things About British Homes
  105. 105 30 Tough but Very Important Advanced Verbs for Daily Use | Learn English Vocabulary
  106. 106 50 Advanced Adjectives to Describe Personality | Positive & Negative English Vocabulary
  107. 107 Important & Advanced Clothes Vocabulary (with pictures) - Learn 200+ words!
  108. 108 How to learn and remember English vocabulary
  109. 109 The MOST Confusing English Mistake - Did you say CAN, CAN'T or ????
  110. 110 How to make FANTASTIC small talk | British English Conversation Practice
  111. 111 British vs American vs Canadian ENGLISH Differences! (very different!)

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