Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
Breaking Business Applications Deployment with Kustomize - Lessons Learned
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- 1 Intro
- 2 This Session
- 3 Background: GitOps Managed Desired State
- 4 Initial Repo Structure - ManyRepo Many Branch
- 5 Branch Per Cluster/Environment
- 6 Helm
- 7 Why We Chose Kustomize
- 8 How We Manage ArgoCD Configuration
- 9 Overlay kustomization.yaml
- 10 What Happened on 13.11.22
- 11 Change In Overlay argocd-cm
- 12 Tests Before Merge
- 13 How We Fixed The Problem
- 14 The Problem - Expected vs Actual Final argocd-cm Manifest
- 15 The Problem Impact
- 16 Overlaying File Contents
- 17 Patching Multiline Yaml
- 18 Understanding the Impact of a Change
- 19 Git Repo Protection
- 20 MR Pipeline Implementation
- 21 Human Approval for Critical Cluster Change MR
- 22 Human Approval for Base Change MR
- 23 Impact of a Change - Diffing New and Existing
- 24 Aftermath
- 25 Summary