Lec-42: TOC Most Imp 10 Questions with explanation | 10 Questions for every exam
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Theory of Computation
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- 1 Lec-1:Syllabus of TOC(Theory of Computation) for GATE | UGC NTA NET| Imp Points
- 2 Lec-2:Introduction to TOC | What is Language in TOC with Examples in Hindi
- 3 Lec-3:What is Automata in TOC | Theory of Computation
- 4 Lec-4:Power of Sigma Σ in TOC | Kleene closure in TOC
- 5 Lec-5: What is Grammar in TOC | Must Watch
- 6 Lec-6: What is DFA in TOC with examples in hindi
- 7 Lec-7: DFA Example 1 | How to Construct DFA in TOC
- 8 Lec-8: DFA Example 2 | DFA of language with all strings end with 'a'
- 9 Lec-9: DFA Example 3 | DFA of language with all strings starting with 'a' and ending with 'b'
- 10 Lec-10:DFA of language with all strings Not starting with 'a' OR Not ending with 'b' | DFA Example 4
- 11 Lec-11:DFA of all strings in which 2nd symbol is '0' and 4th symbol is '1'| DFA Example 6
- 12 Lec-12: DFA of all binary strings divisible by 3 | DFA Example 5
- 13 Lec-13: What is NFA in TOC in Hindi | Non Deterministic Finite Automata
- 14 Lec-14: DFA vs NFA in TOC in Hindi with examples | Must Watch
- 15 Lec-15: Design NFA of all binary strings in which 2nd last bit is 1 | NFA Designing | TOC in Hindi
- 16 Lec-16: Convert NFA to DFA with example in Hindi | How to Convert NFA to DFA
- 17 Lec-17: DFA for Even a and Even b | Even a Odd b | Odd a and Even b | Odd a Odd b | TOC
- 18 Lec-18: Eliminate Epsilon ε-moves | Conversion from epsilon nfa to nfa
- 19 Lec-19: Limitations of DFA and Applications of DFA in TOC in Hindi
- 20 Lec-20: Moore Machine in TOC with example | What is Moore Machine in Hindi
- 21 Lec-21: Mealy Machine in TOC | Formal Definition | Mealy Machine in Hindi
- 22 Lec-22: Difference between Mealy and Moore Machine in Hindi | All imp points
- 23 Lec-23: Moore to Mealy Conversion with example in Hindi | TOC
- 24 Lec-24: Mealy to Moore Conversion with Example in Hindi
- 25 Lec-25: Epsilon NFA in hindi | ε-NFA Formal Definition
- 26 Lec-26: Minimization of DFA in Hindi with example | TOC
- 27 Lec-27: Regular Expressions in TOC with examples | Formal Definition
- 28 Lec-28: Regular Expressions for Finite Languages Example 1 | TOC
- 29 Lec-29: Regular Expressions for Infinite Languages Example 2 | TOC
- 30 Lec-30: Imp. Question on Regular Expressions for all Competitive Exams | TOC
- 31 Lec-31: Pumping lemma for regular languages in TOC with examples
- 32 Lec-32: Closure properties of regular languages in TOC
- 33 Lec-33: Reversal Operation in toc | How regular languages closured under reversal
- 34 Lec-34: Quotient operation in toc with example | Closure Properties
- 35 Lec-35: INIT Operation in TOC
- 36 Lec-36: Regular languages Not Closed under Infinite Union | TOC
- 37 Lec-37: Closure Properties Of Various Languages in TOC | Theory Of Computation
- 38 Lec-38: Languages, Automata, Grammars in TOC | Comparison between them
- 39 Lec-39: Question on DCFL and CFL in toc
- 40 Lec-40: Imp Question on Decidability and closure property | TOC
- 41 Lec-41: TOC Most Imp 10 Questions for Every Exam | TOP 10 Imp questions of Theory of Computation
- 42 Lec-42: TOC Most Imp 10 Questions with explanation | 10 Questions for every exam
- 43 Lec-43: Homomorphism in Regular Languages | closure Properties | TOC
- 44 Lec-44: Inverse Homomorphism in Regular Languages | Closure Properties in TOC
- 45 Lec-45: Decidability & Undecidability table in toc for all languages
- 46 Lec-46: CFL and CFG Introduction and Syllabus discussion
- 47 Lec-47: What is Context free grammar in TOC | Formal Definition
- 48 Lec-48: Convert Context free language to Context free grammar with examples | TOC
- 49 Lec-49: Left Most & Right Most Derivation in CFG | TOC
- 50 Lec-50: What is Pushdown Automata in TOC | Definition & Explanation in Hindi
- 51 Lec-51: Design PDA for 0^n1^2n CFL Language | Very Imp | Must Watch
- 52 Lec-52: Design PDA for {w | na(w) = nb(w)} CFL language | Pushdown automata | TOC
- 53 Lec-53: Closure Properties of CFL (Context Free Languages) with explanation in Hindi
- 54 Lec-54: Remove Null Production from CFG (Context Free Grammar) with example in Hindi
- 55 Lec-55: Remove Unit Production from CFG(Context Free Grammar) in Hindi
- 56 Lec-56: Introduction to Turing Machine and its Definition in Hindi | TOC
- 57 What is LBA(Linear Bounded Automata) | All Points Covered | First Video#2021
- 58 Turing Machine for a^nb^n | Design Turing Machine
- 59 Turing Machine for a^nb^nc^n | Design Turing Machine
- 60 Recursive vs Recursive Enumerable Languages | TOC
- 61 Turing Machine for 1's Complement | Transition Table & Diagram
- 62 Modifications in Turing machine
- 63 CYK Algorithm | Membership Algorithm in CFG | TOC
- 64 CNF Vs GNF | Chomsky vs Greibach Normal Form | CFG in TOC