static helper: python collectstatic
Class Central Classrooms beta
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Classroom Contents
What Is Deployment, Anyway?
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- 1 Intro
- 2 What is deployment
- 3 points of interest out of the box django complexities helpers
- 4 django 3.0.5 python 3.8.2
- 5 django good local development story
- 6 We're in the business of making Web frameworks, not Web servers
- 7 What is production, anyway?
- 8 Why is it called "production"?
- 9 What is a web server, anyway?
- 10 What is "static", anyway?
- 11 state
- 12 "Every production setup will be a bit different" - django documentation
- 13 "It depends." - every deployment talk ever
- 14 WSGI Web Server Gateway Interface
- 15 What is "WSGI", anyway?
- 16 Deploy a django app with a WSGI Webserver
- 17 How do you deploy WSGI webserver?
- 18 custom infrastructure
- 19 infrastructure management
- 20 Other options: Custom hardware Functions as a Service
- 21 What do you want to worry about?
- 22 Managed databases a.k.a. "DBaas"
- 23 to deploy django: fun djange connect to a database serve static files
- 24 static helper: python collectstatic
- 25 static asset management an entire talk
- 26 What is django deployment, anyway?
- 27 copy code to host [update database, if needed] [update static, if needed] start web server
- 28 The reason there's no one answer.