Non homologous end joining
Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
Molecular Biology Advanced
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- 1 Protein production
- 2 DNA recombination basic
- 3 Holliday junction resolution
- 4 Types of CSSR recombination
- 5 Serine recombinase
- 6 Tyrosine recombinase
- 7 Cre lox recombination system
- 8 Photo reactivation experiment
- 9 Luria delbruck experiment
- 10 Spontaneous mutation
- 11 Mutation changes the gene expression
- 12 Chromosomal mutation
- 13 Genetic mutation, DNA mutation (point mutation)
- 14 Transition and transversions
- 15 Frameshift mutation
- 16 Nonsense mutations
- 17 DNA repair overview
- 18 DNA repair mechanism
- 19 DNA repair mechanisms
- 20 Double strand break repair model
- 21 Methyltransferase enzyme
- 22 Transcription coupled repair
- 23 Translesion DNA synthesis
- 24 Synthesis dependent strand annealing
- 25 Single strand annealing
- 26 Double strand break repair by homologus recombination
- 27 Non homologous end joining
- 28 Non homologous double stranded break repair