- Cleaning up the glazed surface & the base
Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
Making a Large Stoneware Vase - Common Mistakes and Solutions in Pottery
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- 1 - Introduction
- 2 - How I protect an injured finger when throwing
- 3 - Throwing the 2.5 kg vase
- 4 - Refining the vases shape
- 5 - Collecting scraps
- 6 - BETTER finger protection
- 7 - Fixing a wavering rim
- 8 - Trimming the angular vase
- 9 - Weighing the vessel
- 10 - Packing and unpacking a bisque firing to 1000ºC
- 11 - Waxing the pot, badly
- 12 - Glazing the pot, badly
- 13 - Cleaning up the glazed surface & the base
- 14 - Packing the gas kiln and reduction firing it to 1290ºC cone ten
- 15 - Unpacking the kiln
- 16 - Sanding the pots base
- 17 - The finished vase...