) Heat
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Classroom Contents
Physical Chemistry
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- 1 ) Course Introduction
- 2 ) Concentrations
- 3 ) Properties of gases introduction
- 4 ) The ideal gas law
- 5 ) Ideal gas (continue)
- 6 ) Dalton's Law
- 7 ) Real gases
- 8 ) Gas law examples
- 9 ) Internal energy
- 10 ) Expansion work
- 11 ) Heat
- 12 ) First law of thermodynamics
- 13 ) Enthalpy introduction
- 14 ) Difference between H and U
- 15 ) Heat capacity at constant pressure
- 16 ) Hess' law
- 17 ) Hess' law application
- 18 ) Kirchhoff's law
- 19 ) Adiabatic behaviour
- 20 ) Adiabatic expansion work
- 21 ) Heat engines
- 22 ) Total carnot work
- 23 ) Heat engine efficiency
- 24 ) Microstates and macrostates
- 25 ) Partition function
- 26 ) Partition function examples
- 27 ) Calculating U from partition
- 28 ) Entropy
- 29 ) Change in entropy example
- 30 ) Residual entropies and the third law
- 31 ) Absolute entropy and Spontaneity
- 32 ) Free energies
- 33 ) The gibbs free energy
- 34 ) Phase Diagrams
- 35 ) Building phase diagrams
- 36 ) The clapeyron equation
- 37 ) The clapeyron equation examples
- 38 ) The clausius Clapeyron equation
- 39 ) Chemical potential
- 40 ) The mixing of gases
- 41 ) Raoult's law
- 42 ) Real solution
- 43 ) Dilute solution
- 44 ) Colligative properties
- 45 ) Fractional distillation
- 46 ) Freezing point depression
- 47 ) Osmosis
- 48 ) Chemical potential and equilibrium
- 49 ) The equilibrium constant
- 50 ) Equilibrium concentrations
- 51 ) Le chatelier and temperature
- 52 ) Le chatelier and pressure
- 53 ) Ions in solution
- 54 ) Debye-Huckel law
- 55 ) Salting in and salting out
- 56 ) Salting in example
- 57 ) Salting out example
- 58 ) Acid equilibrium review
- 59 ) Real acid equilibrium
- 60 ) The pH of real acid solutions
- 61 ) Buffers
- 62 ) Rate law expressions
- 63 ) 2nd order type 2 integrated rate
- 64 ) 2nd order type 2 (continue)
- 65 ) Strategies to determine order
- 66 ) Half life
- 67 ) The arrhenius Equation
- 68 ) The Arrhenius equation example
- 69 ) The approach to equilibrium
- 70 ) The approach to equilibrium (continue..)
- 71 ) Link between K and rate constants
- 72 ) Equilibrium shift setup
- 73 ) Time constant, tau
- 74 ) Quantifying tau and concentrations
- 75 ) Consecutive chemical reaction
- 76 ) Multi step integrated Rate laws
- 77 ) Multi-step integrated rate laws (continue..)
- 78 ) Intermediate max and rate det step