Paper-I, Topic-10 Human growth & development, Stages, Factors, Ageing and senescence Part-I
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Anthropology - Complete
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- 1 Paper-I, Topic-1.1- Meaning, Scope, and Development of Anthropology
- 2 Paper-I, Topic-1.2-Relationships with other Disciplines
- 3 Paper-I,Topic-1.3-Main branches of Anthropology, their Scope and Relevance
- 4 Paper-I, Topic-1.4(a) Biological and Cultural factors in Human Evolution Part I
- 5 Paper-I, Topic-1.4(b)Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre-Darwinian, Darwinian & PostDarwinian)Part II
- 6 Paper-I, Topic-1.4(c) Synthetic Theory of Evolution; Part-III
- 7 Paper-I, Topic-1.4(c) Dollo’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule Part-IV
- 8 Paper-I, Topic-1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary Trend and Primate Taxonomy; Part-I
- 9 Paper-I, Topic-1.5 Primate Adaptations; (Arboreal and Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; Part-II
- 10 Paper-I, Topic-1.5 Primate Behaviour; Tertiary and Quaternary Fossil Primates Part-III
- 11 Paper-I, Topic-1.5 Living Major Primates; Part-IV
- 12 Paper-I, Topic-1.5 Comparative Anatomy of Man and Apes; Skeletal changes and its implications Part-V
- 13 Paper-I, Topic-1.6 (a) Plio-pleistocene hominids in South and East Africa—Australopithecines- Part I
- 14 Paper-I, Topic-1.6 (b) Africa (Paranthropus)- Part II
- 15 Paper-I, Topic-1.6 (b) Europe(Homo e.(heidelbergensis), Asia Homo e.( javanicus, pekinensis-Part III
- 16 Paper-I, Topic-1.6 Neanderthal man, Rhodesian man, Cro-Magnon, Grimaldi, and Chancelade Part-IV
- 17 Paper-I, Topic-1.8 Prehistoric Archaeology, Relative and Absolute Dating Part-I
- 18 Paper-I, Topic-1.8 Cultural Evolution :Stone Age, Chalcolithic,Copper-Bronze Age, Iron Age Part-II
- 19 Paper-I, Topic-1.8 Cultural Evolution :Stone Age, Chalcolithic,Copper-Bronze Age, Iron Age Part-III
- 20 Paper-I, Topic-2.1 The Nature of Culture along with Value addition based upon changing UPSC pattern
- 21 Paper-I, Topic-2.2 Concept of Society; Social Institution; Social groups; plus value addition Part-I
- 22 Paper-I, Topic-2.2 Social Stratification (Social Mobility, Status, Role etc.)+Value addition Part-II
- 23 Paper-I, Topic-2.3 Marriage : Laws ;Type; Functions; Regulations; Payments+Value Additions
- 24 Paper-I, Topic-2.4 Family:Definition and Universality; Household and Domestic groups;Function Part-I
- 25 Paper-I, Topic-2.4 Types; Impact of Urban-Industrial-zation and Feminist movt+Value addition Part-II
- 26 Paper-I, Topic-2.5 Kinship: Principles and types & forms of Descent; Value Additions-Part-I
- 27 Paper-I, Topic-2.5 Kinship terminology; and Value Additions Part-II
- 28 Paper-I, Topic-2.5 Descent, Filiation and Complementary Filiation; Descent and Alliance Part-III
- 29 Paper-I, Topic-3 Economic anthropology; Formalist and Substantivist debate; Part-I
- 30 Paper-I, Topic-3 Production, distribution and exchange; globalisation+Value Addition Part-II
- 31 Paper-I, Topic-4 Political Organization:Band,Tribe,Chiefdom,Kingdom & State; Value Addition Part-I
- 32 Paper-I, Topic-4 Power, authority & legitimacy; Social Control, Law and Justice in Simple Societies
- 33 Paper-I, Topic-5 Religion: Anthropological approaches; Monotheism, Polytheism,Sacred,Profane; Part-I
- 34 Paper-I, Topic-5 Myths & Rituals;Forms of religion; Religion, Magic & Science; Functionaries Part-II
- 35 Paper I, Topic 6, Anthropological theories : (a) Classical evolutionism (f) Neo-evolutionism Part I
- 36 Paper I, Topic 6 Anthropological Theories:(b) Historical particularism ,Diffusionism Part-II
- 37 Paper I, Topic 6 :Functionalism,Structural-Functionalism,Structuralism Part-III
- 38 Paper I, Topic 6, Anthropological theories : Culture and personality, Cultural materialism Part-IV
- 39 Paper I, Topic 6, Anthropological theories : Symbolic & interpretive,Cognitive, Postmodernism Part-V
- 40 Paper I, Topic 7, Nature, Origin and Characteristics of Language-Part-I
- 41 Paper I, Topic 7, Verbal, Non-verbal communication; Social context & Value Addition-Part-II
- 42 Human Genetics: Basic Concept Clarity (Topic 1.7 covered)
- 43 Paper-I, Topic-9.1-Human Genetics: Methods for the study of genetic principles-Part-I
- 44 Paper-I, Topic-9.1 Cytogenetic, Biochemical, Immunological methods & DNA Recombinant-Part-II
- 45 Paper-I, Topic-9.2 Mendelian Genetics in Man-family study (Law of Inheritance) Part-I
- 46 Paper-I, Topic-9.2 Single, Multi, lethal, sub-lethal and polygenic inheritance in Man-Part-II
- 47 Paper-I, Topic-9.3 Concept of Genetic polymorphism, Mendelian population,Hardy-Weinberg law; Part-I
- 48 Paper-I,Topic-9.3 Mutation,Isolation,Migration, Selection,Inbreeding & Genetic drift Part-II
- 49 Paper-I, Topic-9.3 Consanguineous mating & Genetic effect, Genetic load-Part-III
- 50 Paper-I, Topic-9.4 Numerical and Structural aberrations, Sex chromosomal aberration Part-I
- 51 Paper-I, Topic-9.4 Autosomal aberrations: Down, Patau, Edward, and Cri-du-chat syndromes. Part-II
- 52 Paper-I, Topic-9.4 Genetic imprints, screening, counseling & Gene Therapy+Editing(Val Add) Part III
- 53 Paper-I, Topic-9.4 Human DNA profiling, Gene mapping & Human Genome study Part-IV
- 54 Paper-I, Topic-9.5 Race and racism, Morphological variation Racial criteria Part I
- 55 Paper-I, Topic-9.5 Racial differentiation, Racial differentiation and Race crossing Part II
- 56 Paper-I, Topic-9.7 Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology : Bio-cultural Adaptations Part-I
- 57 Paper-I, Topic-9.7 Man’s physiological responses : Hot desert, Cold, High altitude climate Part-II
- 58 Paper-I, Topic-9.8 Epidemiological Anthropology along with Important value additions Part-I
- 59 Paper-I, Topic-9.8 Infectious & non-infectious diseases, Nutritional deficiency diseases.Part-II
- 60 Paper-I, Topic-10 Human growth & development, Stages, Factors, Ageing and senescence Part-I
- 61 Paper-I, Topic-10 Theories and observations: biological and chronological longevity Part II
- 62 Paper-I, Topic-10 Human physique and somatotypes, Methodologies for growth studies Part III
- 63 Paper-I, Topic-11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause. Fertility patterns and differentials
- 64 Paper-I, Topic-11.2 Demographic theories-biological, social and cultural
- 65 Paper-I, Topic-11.3 Bio & socio-eco factors influencing fecundity, fertility, natality & mortality
- 66 Paper-I, Topic 12 Applications of Anthropology (Applied Anthropology)
- 67 Paper-I, Topic-9.6 Genetic Markers,Hb level, fat, pulse, respiratory & sensory perception-Incomplete
- 68 Complete your Anthropology Optional for ‘FREE’