Hybrid event beds
Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
Novel Mixed Sand-Mud Bedforms, Cohesive Sediment Gravity Flow Behaviour, and Submarine Fans
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- 1 Intro
- 2 Rationale
- 3 Effect of increasing clay concentration
- 4 Bedforms produced by transitional flows
- 5 Aberystwyth Grits Group and the Borth Mudstone Formation
- 6 Methods
- 7 Sedimentary logs
- 8 Large current ripples
- 9 Low amplitude bed-waves
- 10 Bedform heights and lengths
- 11 Spatial distribution of bedforms
- 12 Process interpretation
- 13 Using bedforms to infer flow processes
- 14 Hybrid event beds