Secondary forms
Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
Realism Idealized - Learning How to Observe - 2021 ZBrush Summit - Special Presentation
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- 1 Intro
- 2 Meet Kris
- 3 What is realism idealized
- 4 Form hierarchy
- 5 Secondary forms
- 6 Fractal progression
- 7 Face cartography
- 8 Sketching emotion
- 9 Multiresolution
- 10 Collision
- 11 Clay Buildup
- 12 Form Subtlety
- 13 Form Relationships
- 14 Fine Detail
- 15 Sweat Pass
- 16 Form Evaluation
- 17 Refining Your Eye
- 18 How Long Does It Take
- 19 Injecting Life
- 20 Frank Frazetta
- 21 The Eye Gaze
- 22 Lighting
- 23 Details
- 24 Asymmetry
- 25 Poses
- 26 Website
- 27 Measurements
- 28 Skin Patterns
- 29 Skin Tone
- 30 Passings
- 31 Resources