#18 Strict equality 🟰
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Classroom Contents
JavaScript Full Course (2024)
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- 1 #1 JavaScript tutorial for beginners 🌐
- 2 #2 Variables 📦
- 3 #3 Arithmetic operators ➕
- 4 #4 Accept user input 💬
- 5 #5 Type conversion 💱
- 6 #6 Constants 🚫
- 7 #7 ⭐ Counter program 🔢
- 8 #8 Math object 🧮
- 9 #9 Random number generator ⁉
- 10 #10 If statements 🤔
- 11 #11 Checked property ✅
- 12 #12 Ternary operator ❓
- 13 #13 Switches 💡
- 14 #14 String methods 🧵
- 15 #15 String slicing ✂️
- 16 #16 Method chaining ⛓
- 17 #17 Logical operators ❗
- 18 #18 Strict equality 🟰
- 19 #19 While loops 🔁
- 20 #20 For loops 🔂
- 21 #21 ⭐ Number guessing game ↕
- 22 #22 Functions 📞
- 23 #23 Variable scope 🏠
- 24 #24 ⭐ Temperature conversion program 🌡️
- 25 #25 Arrays 🗃
- 26 #26 Spread operator 📖
- 27 #27 Rest parameters 🗄
- 28 #28 ⭐ Dice Roller program 🎲
- 29 #29 ⭐ Random password generator 🔑
- 30 #30 Callbacks 🤙
- 31 #31 forEach ➿
- 32 #32 map 🗺
- 33 #33 filter 🚰
- 34 #34 reduce ♻
- 35 #35 Function expressions 🐣
- 36 #36 Arrow functions 🎯
- 37 #37 JavaScript Ojects🧍
- 38 #38 What is THIS 👈
- 39 #39 Constructors 🛠
- 40 #40 Classes 🏭
- 41 #41 STATIC keyword ⚡
- 42 #42 Inheritance 🐇
- 43 #43 SUPER keyword 🦸♂️
- 44 #44 Getters & Setters 📐
- 45 #45 Destructuring 💥
- 46 #46 Nested objects 📫
- 47 #47 Arrays of objects 🍎
- 48 #48 Sorting 🗃
- 49 #49 Shuffle an array 🔀
- 50 #50 Dates 📅
- 51 #51 Closures 🔒
- 52 #52 setTimeout ⏰
- 53 #53 ⭐ Digital Clock program 🕐
- 54 #54 ⭐ Stopwatch program ⏱
- 55 #55 ES6 Modules 🚢
- 56 #56 Asynchronous code 💤
- 57 #57 Error handling ⚠
- 58 #58 ⭐ Calculator program 🖩
- 59 #59 What is the DOM? 🌳
- 60 #60 Element selectors 📑
- 61 #61 DOM navigation 🧭
- 62 #62 Add & change HTML 🛠️
- 63 #63 Mouse events 🖱
- 64 #64 Key events ⌨
- 65 #65 Hide/show HTML 🖼
- 66 #66 NodeLists 📃
- 67 #67 classList 🧾
- 68 #68 ⭐ Rock Paper Scissors 👊
- 69 #69 ⭐ Image Slider 🖼️
- 70 #70 Callback Hell? 🔥
- 71 #71 Promises 🤞
- 72 #72 Async/Await ⏳
- 73 #73 JSON files 📄
- 74 #74 Fetch data from an API ↩️
- 75 #75 ⭐ Weather App project ☀️