- Intro (whoops I forgot to record the webcam 🙈)
Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
How I Use Sass and BEM Class Names When Building a Card UI
Automatically move to the next video in the Classroom when playback concludes
- 1 - Intro (whoops I forgot to record the webcam 🙈)
- 2 - What is BEM? Planning out the class names
- 3 - Adding the markup and the SCSS selectors for the cards
- 4 - Styles for top part of card
- 5 - Styles for the middle follower count number
- 6 - Styles for the bottom stat change number
- 7 - Layout for the card grid with flexbox, then CSS grid
- 8 - Styling the top bars on the cards
- 9 - Studying the bottom card grid in the design
- 10 - Writing SCSS selectors and markup for bottom cards
- 11 - Styles for bottom cards