Typing Generic Go

Typing Generic Go

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Declaration and scope of type parameters type parameter declaration

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6 of 24

Declaration and scope of type parameters type parameter declaration

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Classroom Contents

Typing Generic Go

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  1. 1 Intro
  2. 2 Type parameters draft design
  3. 3 A type parameter list
  4. 4 Type parameters to the rescue
  5. 5 Constraints • A constraint specifies the requirements which a type argument must satisfy
  6. 6 Declaration and scope of type parameters type parameter declaration
  7. 7 Type-checking the Sort call: Instantiation
  8. 8 Type-checking the Sort call: Invocation
  9. 9 Type-checking a generic call 1 Instantiation (new) • replace type parameters with type arguments in entire signature • verify that each type argument satisfies its constraint
  10. 10 Separating instantiation from invocation booksort :- Sort[book] // == #Sort book booksort (bookshelf)
  11. 11 Sort internals
  12. 12 Type-checking a generic call (refined) 1. If no type arguments are provided: Use argument type inference to infer type arguments.
  13. 13 What is missing? So far, constraints can only describe method requirements.
  14. 14 Type lists A constraint interface may have a list of types (besides methods)
  15. 15 Satisfying a type list An argument type satisfies a constraint with a type list if
  16. 16 Different type parameters are different types
  17. 17 Example: Combining byte and string operations type Bytes interface type []byte, string
  18. 18 Example: Relationships between type parameters type Pointer T any interface The type argument for PT must be a
  19. 19 Summary Declarations Type parameter lists are like ordinary parameter lists with TT • Function and type declarations may have type parameter lists • Type parameters are constrained by interfaces
  20. 20 How happy are we with this design? • Type parameters • Interfaces as constraints • Type lists in interfaces
  21. 21 With great power comes great responsibility • Type parameters ('generics ) are a new tool in the toolset of Go. • Orthogonal to the rest of the language. • Orthogonality opens a new dimension of codi…
  22. 22 Examples (1)
  23. 23 When to use generics
  24. 24 Next steps The Go team is actively pursuing a real implementation (in a branch) so we can iron out any outstanding open problems.

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