Lecture 9 - Epitaxial Techniques for GaAs High Speed Devices
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Classroom Contents
High Speed Devices and Circuit
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- 1 Lecture 1 - Introduction to Basic Concepts
- 2 Lecture 2-Requirements of High Speed Devices, Circuits & Mat
- 3 Lecture-3-Classifications & Properties of Compound Semicond
- 4 Lecture4-Temary Compound Semiconductor and their Application
- 5 Lecture5-Temary Compound Semiconductor and their Appl - 2
- 6 Lecture 6 - Crystal Structures in GaAs
- 7 Lecture 7 - Dopants and impurities in GaAs and InP
- 8 Lecture 8- Brief Overview of GaAs Technology for High Speed
- 9 Lecture 9 - Epitaxial Techniques for GaAs High Speed Devices
- 10 Lecture 10 - MBE and LPE for GaAs Epitaxy
- 11 Lecture 11 - GaAs and InP Devices for Microelectronics
- 12 Lecture 12 - Metal Semiconductor contacts for MESFET
- 13 Lecture13- Metal Semiconductor contacts for MESFET (Contd.)
- 14 Lecture14- Metal Semiconductor contacts for MESFET (Contd.)
- 15 Lecture 15 - Ohmic Contacts on Semiconductors
- 16 Lecture 16 - Fermi Level Pinning & Schottky Barrier Diodes
- 17 Lecture 17 - Schottky Barrier Diode
- 18 Lecture 18 - Schottky Barrier Diodes
- 19 Lecture 19 -Causes of Non-Idealities-Schottky Barrier Diodes
- 20 Lecture 20 - MESFET Operation & I-V Characteristics
- 21 Lecture 21 - MESFET I-V Characteristics Shockley's Model
- 22 Lecture 22 - MESFET Shockley's Model and Velocity saturation
- 23 Lecture 23- MESFET Velocity Saturation effect
- 24 Lecture 24 -MESFET Drain Current Saturation
- 25 Lecture 25 - MESFET : Effects of channel length and gate length on IDS and gm
- 26 Lecture 26 - MESFET: Effects of Velocity Saturation
- 27 Lecture 27 - Velocity Field Characteristics
- 28 Lecture-28-MESFET-SAINT
- 29 Lecture-29-SELF Aligned MESFET-SAINT
- 30 Lecture-30-Hetero Junctions
- 31 Lecture-31-Hetero Junctions&HEMT
- 32 Lecture-32-Hetero Junctions&HEMT(Contd)
- 33 Lecture-33-High Electron Mobility Transistor
- 34 Lecture-34-HEMT-off Voltage
- 35 Lecture-35-HEMT 1-V Characteristics and Transconductance
- 36 Lecture-36-Indium Phosphide Based HEMT
- 37 Lecture-37-Pseudomorphic HEMT
- 38 Lecture-38-Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistors(HBT)
- 39 Lecture-39-Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistors(HBT)-2(Contd)
- 40 Lecture-40-Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistors(HBT)-3(Contd)
- 41 Lecture-41-Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistors(HBT)-4(Contd)