Intro - "Why is Electromagnetism a Thing?"
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Classroom Contents
Electromagnetism and Gauge Theory - From Local Phase Symmetry to Maxwell's Equations
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- 1 Intro - "Why is Electromagnetism a Thing?"
- 2 Dirac Zero-Momentum Eigenstates
- 3 Local Phase Symmetry
- 4 A Curious Lagrangian
- 5 Bringing A to Life, in Six Ways
- 6 The Homogeneous Maxwell's Equations
- 7 The Faraday Tensor
- 8 F_munuF^munu
- 9 The Lagrangian of Quantum Electrodynamics
- 10 Inhomogeneous Maxwell's Equations, Part 1
- 11 ... Part 2, Solving Euler-Lagrange
- 12 ... Part 3, Unpacking the Inhomogeneous Maxwell's Equations
- 13 Local Charge Conservation
- 14 Deriving the Lorentz Force Law
- 15 Miscellaneous Stuff & Mysteries