Brief Discussion of Demand Fairness
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Classroom Contents
Dynamic Pricing with Fairness Constraints - Coffee Talk
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- 1 Intro
- 2 A personalized pricing model
- 3 Application of personalized pricing
- 4 Legislation to guarantee fairness
- 5 This research focuses on pricing algorithms
- 6 Fairness constraints in this research
- 7 Structure of today's talk
- 8 Model of personalized pricing
- 9 Formal definition of price fairness
- 10 Benchmark and regret
- 11 Challenges from group fairness: classical algorithms no longer work
- 12 Challenges from time fairness: cannot update price frequently
- 13 Algorithm: Fair Pricing with UCB (FaPU)
- 14 Performance of FaPU
- 15 Price gouging when demand is non-stationary
- 16 Model non-stationary demand
- 17 Idea of Algorithm FaPU-Master
- 18 Regret of Algorithm FaPU-Master
- 19 Brief Discussion of Demand Fairness