Lecture - 17 Case Study: Searching for Patterns
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Classroom Contents
Data Structures and Algorithms
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- 1 Lecture - 1 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
- 2 Lecture - 2 Stacks
- 3 Lecture - 3 Queues and Linked Lists
- 4 Lecture - 4 Dictionaries
- 5 Lecture - 5 Hashing
- 6 Lecture - 6 Trees
- 7 Lecture - 7 Tree Walks / Traversals
- 8 Lecture - 8 Ordered Dictionaries
- 9 Lecture - 9 Deletion
- 10 Lecture - 10 Quick Sort
- 11 Lecture - 11 AVL Trees
- 12 Lecture - 12 AVL Trees
- 13 Lecture - 13 Trees
- 14 Lecture - 14 Red Black Trees
- 15 Lecture - 15 Insertion in Red Black Trees
- 16 Lecture - 16 Disk Based Data Structures
- 17 Lecture - 17 Case Study: Searching for Patterns
- 18 Lecture - 18 Tries
- 19 Lecture - 19 Data Compression
- 20 Lecture - 20 Priority Queues
- 21 Lecture - 21 Binary Heaps
- 22 Lecture - 22 Why Sorting
- 23 Lecture - 23 More Sorting
- 24 Lecture - 24 Graphs
- 25 Lecture - 25 Data Structures for Graphs
- 26 Lecture - 26 Two Applications of Breadth First Search
- 27 Lecture - 27 Depth First Search
- 28 Lecture - 28 Applications of DFS
- 29 Lecture - 29 DFS in Directed Graphs
- 30 Lecture - 30 Applications of DFS in Directed Graphs
- 31 Lecture - 31 Minimum Spanning Trees
- 32 Lecture - 32 The Union
- 33 Lecture - 33 Prims Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees
- 34 Lecture - 34 Single Source Shortest Paths
- 35 Lecture - 35 Correctness of Dijkstras Algorithm
- 36 Lecture - 36 Single Source Shortest Paths