Celtic, Phoenician & Greek Colonists - The History of Spain: Land on a Crossroad

Celtic, Phoenician & Greek Colonists - The History of Spain: Land on a Crossroad

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Celts Bring Iron And Steel-Making Process to Spain

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Celts Bring Iron And Steel-Making Process to Spain

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Classroom Contents

Celtic, Phoenician & Greek Colonists - The History of Spain: Land on a Crossroad

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  1. 1 Three Immigrant Groups Transform Spain in Its Infancy
  2. 2 Early Celtic Tribes Settle Across Spain
  3. 3 Celts Bring Iron And Steel-Making Process to Spain
  4. 4 Rocky Soil and Cold Rain Challenge Celts in Galicia
  5. 5 Celt Influence Abounds in Spain
  6. 6 Ship Building Allows Celts to Settle British Isles
  7. 7 Phoenician Influence Peppers the Mediterranean
  8. 8 Phoenicians Settle Gadir Colony in Spain
  9. 9 Phoenicians Bring Wine-Making to the Mediterranean
  10. 10 Phoenician Engineers Expand Rio Tinto Silver Mines
  11. 11 Improved Phonetic Alphabet Brings Mass Literacy
  12. 12 Phoenician Merchant Ship Reveals Variety of Goods
  13. 13 Phoenicians' Complex Bartering System
  14. 14 Greeks Strategically Colonize the Mediterranean
  15. 15 Greeks Discover Abundant Silver Trade in Spain
  16. 16 Greek Coins and Olive Trees Forever Change the Land
  17. 17 Greek Writers Stamp Their Legacy Across Spain
  18. 18 Iberia Enters Written History through Greek Mythology

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