S adenosyl methionine (SAM)
Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
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- 1 Metabolism - overview 2
- 2 Metabolism - overview 3
- 3 Metabolism biochemistry - locations
- 4 Metabolism biochemistry - locations 2
- 5 Oxidative phosphorylation
- 6 Metabolism and metabolic pathways
- 7 Difference between A, B and Z DNA
- 8 Major groove and minor groove
- 9 Propeller twist
- 10 Sugar puckering
- 11 Z DNA
- 12 Triple stranded DNA
- 13 DNA structure | Slipped DNA
- 14 Repeat sequences in DNA
- 15 DNA structure | Quadruplex DNA
- 16 DNA structure | H DNA
- 17 DNA structure | Cruciform DNA
- 18 DNA structure | Bent DNA
- 19 Collagen protein
- 20 Protein structure | tertiary structure of proteins
- 21 Protein motifs and domains | secondary structure of proteins
- 22 Alpha helix | secondary structure | protein structure
- 23 DNA structure | cruciform DNA, quadruplex DNA, triple stranded DNA
- 24 Torsional angle
- 25 Ramachandran plot
- 26 Peptidoglycan structure and biosynthesis
- 27 Peptide bond structure | formation and rotation of peptide bonds
- 28 Structural motifs of protein
- 29 Keratin protein
- 30 Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
- 31 Beta sheet | beta pleated sheet | secondary protein structure
- 32 Bacterial flagella | structure and motility
- 33 Protein structure | Random coil structure
- 34 RNA structure and synthesis and types
- 35 Protein symmetry | structural symmetry
- 36 Michaelis menten plot and equation
- 37 Allosteric enzyme
- 38 Double reciprocal plot for competetive inhibition
- 39 Double reciprocal plot for mixed inhibition
- 40 Double reciprocal plot for uncompetitive inhibition
- 41 Double reciprocal plot
- 42 Progress curve of simple enzyme catalyzed reaction
- 43 Anfinsen's experiment and protein folding
- 44 Protein folding models
- 45 Protein folding mechanism
- 46 Proteolysis
- 47 Activation energy and Enzymes (Animation)
- 48 Enzyme kinetics animation
- 49 Zymogen activation
- 50 Enzyme substrate complex
- 51 Isozyme
- 52 Enzyme catalysis mechanism
- 53 Glycolysis
- 54 Feeder pathways of glycolysis
- 55 Fate of pyruvate
- 56 Galactose metabolism
- 57 Fructose metabolism
- 58 Breakdown of glycogen
- 59 Glucose transport from liver to blood cell
- 60 Glycogen metabolism
- 61 Citric acid cycle biochemistry
- 62 Dietary fat metabolism
- 63 Gluconeogenesis overview
- 64 Gluconeogenesis
- 65 Gluconeogenesis regulation
- 66 Role of glycogen phoisphorylase
- 67 Gluconeogenesis pathway
- 68 The Cori cycle
- 69 Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle)
- 70 Regulation of citric acid cycle
- 71 Pyruvate oxidation
- 72 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
- 73 Pentose phosphate pathway
- 74 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex overview
- 75 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex mechanism
- 76 Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
- 77 Gluconeogenesis
- 78 Metabolism big picture
- 79 Electron transport chain animation
- 80 Citric acid cycle explanation
- 81 Amphibolic pathways of citric acid cycle
- 82 Binding change mechanism of ATP synthesis
- 83 Comparison between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
- 84 Coupling of ETS and ATP synthesis
- 85 Glucose transporter 4 activity
- 86 Regulation of hexokinase 4
- 87 Glycogen metabolism regulation
- 88 Malate aspertate shuttle
- 89 Overview of glucose metabolism
- 90 Overview of oxidative fuel metabolism
- 91 Dolichol phosphate synthesis pathway
- 92 Nonoxidative deamination
- 93 Oxidative deamination
- 94 Transamination reaction mechanism
- 95 Tetrahydrofolate (THF)
- 96 S adenosyl methionine (SAM)
- 97 Transmethylation
- 98 The mitochondrial electron transport chain
- 99 The cori cycle
- 100 Neoglucogenesis
- 101 ATP synthesis (chemiosmotic theory)
- 102 Amino acid structures (part 2)
- 103 Amino acid structures (part 3)
- 104 Enzyme inhibition
- 105 Enzyme catalysis
- 106 Enzyme inhibitor (competitive inhibition)
- 107 Central dogma (replication, transcription and translation)
- 108 Amino acid structures (part 1)
- 109 Amino acid structures (part 2)
- 110 Protein splicing