Half Wave Rectifier (Efficiency & PIV)
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Classroom Contents
Analog Electronics
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- 1 Semiconductor Materials
- 2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
- 3 Electron Vs Hole Flow
- 4 Mass Action Law
- 5 Charge Densities in a Semiconductor
- 6 Conductivity of a Semiconductor
- 7 Conductivity of Semiconductors Numerical (Part 1)
- 8 Conductivity of Semiconductors Numerical (Part 2)
- 9 PN Junction Diode (No Applied Bias)
- 10 Barrier Potential
- 11 Width of Depletion Region
- 12 PN Junction Diode (Forward-Bias Condition)
- 13 PN Junction Diode (Reverse-Bias Condition)
- 14 Semiconductor Diode
- 15 V-I Characteristics of PN Junction Diode
- 16 Effects of Temperature on V-I Characteristics
- 17 Ideal Vs Practical Diode
- 18 Diode Equivalent Circuits
- 19 Load Line Analysis of Diode
- 20 Load Line Analysis (Numerical Problem)
- 21 DC or Static Resistance of a Diode
- 22 AC or Dynamic Resistance of a Diode
- 23 Average AC Resistance of a Diode
- 24 Series Diode Configurations
- 25 Series Diode Configuration (Examples)
- 26 Parallel Diode Configurations
- 27 Parallel and Series-Parallel Configuration of Diodes (Examples)
- 28 Introduction to Diode Rectifier Circuits
- 29 Half Wave Rectifier
- 30 Half Wave Rectifier (RMS Load Current & RMS Load Voltage)
- 31 Half Wave Rectifier (Form Factor)
- 32 Half Wave Rectifier (Ripple Factor)
- 33 Half Wave Rectifier (Efficiency & PIV)
- 34 Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
- 35 Full Wave Center-Tapped Rectifier
- 36 Full Wave Rectifier (DC Load Current & DC Load Voltage)
- 37 Full Wave Rectifier (RMS Load Current & RMS Load Voltage)
- 38 Full Wave Rectifier (Form Factor & Ripple Factor)
- 39 Full Wave Rectifier (Efficiency & PIV)
- 40 Diode Rectifier Circuits (Numerical Problem)
- 41 Introduction to Zener Diodes
- 42 Effects of Temperature on Zener Voltage
- 43 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 1)
- 44 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 2)
- 45 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 3)
- 46 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 4)
- 47 Zener Diode Numerical Problems (Part 1)
- 48 Zener Diode Numerical Problems (Part 2)
- 49 Voltage Multiplier Circuits (Half Wave Voltage Doubler)
- 50 Voltage Multiplier Circuits (Full Wave Voltage Doubler)
- 51 Voltage Multiplier Circuits (Voltage Tripler & Quadrupler)
- 52 Introduction to Clippers
- 53 Unbiased Series Clippers
- 54 Biased Series Clippers
- 55 Unbiased Parallel Clippers
- 56 Biased Parallel Clippers
- 57 Zener Diode Clipping Circuits
- 58 Combination Clipper Circuits
- 59 Transfer Characteristics of Clipper Circuit
- 60 Introduction to Clampers
- 61 Positive & Negative Clamper Circuits
- 62 Biased Clamper Circuit
- 63 Clampers (Solved Problem)
- 64 Introduction to Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
- 65 Working of Transistors
- 66 Common-Base Configuration of a Transistor
- 67 CB Transistor (Input Characteristics & Early Effect)
- 68 CB Transistor (Output Characteristics)
- 69 Transistor Amplifying Action
- 70 Common-Emitter Configuration of a Transistor
- 71 Common-Emitter Transistor (Input Characteristics)
- 72 Common-Emitter Transistor (Output Characteristics)
- 73 Common-Collector Configuration of a Transistor
- 74 Relation between α , β and γ
- 75 DC Biasing, Load Line & Operating Point of Transistors
- 76 Fixed-Bias Configuration of a Transistor
- 77 Fixed-Bias Configuration (Solved Problem)
- 78 Emitter-Bias Configuration
- 79 Emitter-Bias Configuration (Solved Problem)
- 80 Collector Feedback Biasing
- 81 Collector Feedback Biasing (Solved Problem)
- 82 Collector Feedback Bias with Emitter Resistance
- 83 Voltage Divider Bias
- 84 Voltage Divider Bias (Solved Problem)
- 85 Thermal Runaway in Transistors
- 86 Bias Stabilization and Stability Factors
- 87 Stability Factor for Fixed-Bias Configuration
- 88 Stability Factor for Emitter-Bias Configuration
- 89 Stability Factor for Collector Feedback Biasing
- 90 Stability Factor for Voltage Divider Bias
- 91 Transistor Saturation
- 92 Small Signal Analysis of BJT
- 93 AC Equivalent Circuit of BJT Amplifier
- 94 Hybrid Model (Calculation of h-Parameters)
- 95 Hybrid Model (Equivalent Circuit)
- 96 Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Using h-Parameters (Part 1)
- 97 Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Using h-Parameters (Part 2)
- 98 Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Using h-Parameters (Part 3)
- 99 Approximate Hybrid Equivalent Model
- 100 Conversion of h-Parameters
- 101 re Transistor Model (Part 1)
- 102 re Transistor Model (Part 2)
- 103 re Model (Fixed-Bias Configuration) | Part 1
- 104 re Model (Fixed-Bias Configuration) | Part 2
- 105 re Model (Fixed-Bias Configuration) | Part 3
- 106 re Model (Solved Problem 1)
- 107 re Model (Voltage-Divider Bias)
- 108 re Model (Solved Problem 2)
- 109 Hybrid-π Model
- 110 Hybrid-π Model (Solved Problem)
- 111 Emitter-Follower Configuration (Part 1)
- 112 Emitter-Follower Configuration (Part 2)
- 113 Two-Port Systems Approach
- 114 Two-Port Systems Approach (with Load Resistance)
- 115 Two-Port Systems Approach (with Source Resistance)
- 116 Two-Port Systems Approach (with Source and Load Resistances)
- 117 Two-Port Systems Approach (Solved Problem)
- 118 Cascaded Systems
- 119 Cascaded Systems (Solved Problem)
- 120 Darlington Pair
- 121 Touch Sensor Using Darlington Pair
- 122 DC Analysis of Darlington Circuit
- 123 Introduction to Field-Effect Transistors (FETs)
- 124 Construction and Working of JFET
- 125 Working of JFET (Zero Voltage at the Gate)
- 126 Pinch-off Voltage
- 127 JFET as a Current Source
- 128 Working of JFET (Negative Voltage at the Gate)
- 129 Output or Drain Characteristics of JFET
- 130 JFET as Voltage-Controlled Resistor
- 131 Transfer Characteristics of JFET
- 132 BJT Vs JFET
- 133 JFET Solved Problems (Part 1)
- 134 JFET Solved Problems (Part 2)
- 135 Construction & Working of Enhancement-Type MOSFET (Part 1)
- 136 Construction & Working of Enhancement-Type MOSFET (Part 2)
- 137 Drain Characteristics of Enhancement-Type MOSFET
- 138 Transfer Characteristics & Symbols of Enhancement Type MOSFETs
- 139 Construction of Depletion-Type MOSFET
- 140 Working of Depletion-Type MOSFET
- 141 Drain & Transfer Characteristics of Depletion-Type MOSFET
- 142 MOSFET Solved Problems (Part 1)
- 143 MOSFET Solved Problems (Part 2)
- 144 Introduction to FET Biasing
- 145 Fixed-Bias Configuration of JFET (Mathematical Approach)
- 146 Fixed-Bias Configuration of JFET (Graphical Approach)
- 147 Fixed-Bias Configuration of JFET (Solved Problem)
- 148 Self-Bias Configuration of JFET (Mathematical Approach)
- 149 Self-Bias Configuration of JFET (Graphical Approach)
- 150 Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration of JFET
- 151 Common-Gate Configuration of JFET
- 152 JFET Biasing (Special Case)
- 153 Introduction to Depletion-Type MOSFET Biasing
- 154 Self-Bias Configuration of Depletion-Type MOSFET
- 155 Depletion-Type MOSFET Biasing (Special Case)
- 156 Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration of Depletion-Type MOSFET
- 157 Depletion-Type MOSFET Biasing (Solved Problem)
- 158 Introduction to Enhancement-Type MOSFET Biasing