Analog Electronics

Analog Electronics

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Half Wave Rectifier (Efficiency & PIV)

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33 of 158

Half Wave Rectifier (Efficiency & PIV)

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Classroom Contents

Analog Electronics

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  1. 1 Semiconductor Materials
  2. 2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
  3. 3 Electron Vs Hole Flow
  4. 4 Mass Action Law
  5. 5 Charge Densities in a Semiconductor
  6. 6 Conductivity of a Semiconductor
  7. 7 Conductivity of Semiconductors Numerical (Part 1)
  8. 8 Conductivity of Semiconductors Numerical (Part 2)
  9. 9 PN Junction Diode (No Applied Bias)
  10. 10 Barrier Potential
  11. 11 Width of Depletion Region
  12. 12 PN Junction Diode (Forward-Bias Condition)
  13. 13 PN Junction Diode (Reverse-Bias Condition)
  14. 14 Semiconductor Diode
  15. 15 V-I Characteristics of PN Junction Diode
  16. 16 Effects of Temperature on V-I Characteristics
  17. 17 Ideal Vs Practical Diode
  18. 18 Diode Equivalent Circuits
  19. 19 Load Line Analysis of Diode
  20. 20 Load Line Analysis (Numerical Problem)
  21. 21 DC or Static Resistance of a Diode
  22. 22 AC or Dynamic Resistance of a Diode
  23. 23 Average AC Resistance of a Diode
  24. 24 Series Diode Configurations
  25. 25 Series Diode Configuration (Examples)
  26. 26 Parallel Diode Configurations
  27. 27 Parallel and Series-Parallel Configuration of Diodes (Examples)
  28. 28 Introduction to Diode Rectifier Circuits
  29. 29 Half Wave Rectifier
  30. 30 Half Wave Rectifier (RMS Load Current & RMS Load Voltage)
  31. 31 Half Wave Rectifier (Form Factor)
  32. 32 Half Wave Rectifier (Ripple Factor)
  33. 33 Half Wave Rectifier (Efficiency & PIV)
  34. 34 Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
  35. 35 Full Wave Center-Tapped Rectifier
  36. 36 Full Wave Rectifier (DC Load Current & DC Load Voltage)
  37. 37 Full Wave Rectifier (RMS Load Current & RMS Load Voltage)
  38. 38 Full Wave Rectifier (Form Factor & Ripple Factor)
  39. 39 Full Wave Rectifier (Efficiency & PIV)
  40. 40 Diode Rectifier Circuits (Numerical Problem)
  41. 41 Introduction to Zener Diodes
  42. 42 Effects of Temperature on Zener Voltage
  43. 43 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 1)
  44. 44 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 2)
  45. 45 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 3)
  46. 46 Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator (Part 4)
  47. 47 Zener Diode Numerical Problems (Part 1)
  48. 48 Zener Diode Numerical Problems (Part 2)
  49. 49 Voltage Multiplier Circuits (Half Wave Voltage Doubler)
  50. 50 Voltage Multiplier Circuits (Full Wave Voltage Doubler)
  51. 51 Voltage Multiplier Circuits (Voltage Tripler & Quadrupler)
  52. 52 Introduction to Clippers
  53. 53 Unbiased Series Clippers
  54. 54 Biased Series Clippers
  55. 55 Unbiased Parallel Clippers
  56. 56 Biased Parallel Clippers
  57. 57 Zener Diode Clipping Circuits
  58. 58 Combination Clipper Circuits
  59. 59 Transfer Characteristics of Clipper Circuit
  60. 60 Introduction to Clampers
  61. 61 Positive & Negative Clamper Circuits
  62. 62 Biased Clamper Circuit
  63. 63 Clampers (Solved Problem)
  64. 64 Introduction to Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
  65. 65 Working of Transistors
  66. 66 Common-Base Configuration of a Transistor
  67. 67 CB Transistor (Input Characteristics & Early Effect)
  68. 68 CB Transistor (Output Characteristics)
  69. 69 Transistor Amplifying Action
  70. 70 Common-Emitter Configuration of a Transistor
  71. 71 Common-Emitter Transistor (Input Characteristics)
  72. 72 Common-Emitter Transistor (Output Characteristics)
  73. 73 Common-Collector Configuration of a Transistor
  74. 74 Relation between α , β and γ
  75. 75 DC Biasing, Load Line & Operating Point of Transistors
  76. 76 Fixed-Bias Configuration of a Transistor
  77. 77 Fixed-Bias Configuration (Solved Problem)
  78. 78 Emitter-Bias Configuration
  79. 79 Emitter-Bias Configuration (Solved Problem)
  80. 80 Collector Feedback Biasing
  81. 81 Collector Feedback Biasing (Solved Problem)
  82. 82 Collector Feedback Bias with Emitter Resistance
  83. 83 Voltage Divider Bias
  84. 84 Voltage Divider Bias (Solved Problem)
  85. 85 Thermal Runaway in Transistors
  86. 86 Bias Stabilization and Stability Factors
  87. 87 Stability Factor for Fixed-Bias Configuration
  88. 88 Stability Factor for Emitter-Bias Configuration
  89. 89 Stability Factor for Collector Feedback Biasing
  90. 90 Stability Factor for Voltage Divider Bias
  91. 91 Transistor Saturation
  92. 92 Small Signal Analysis of BJT
  93. 93 AC Equivalent Circuit of BJT Amplifier
  94. 94 Hybrid Model (Calculation of h-Parameters)
  95. 95 Hybrid Model (Equivalent Circuit)
  96. 96 Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Using h-Parameters (Part 1)
  97. 97 Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Using h-Parameters (Part 2)
  98. 98 Analysis of Transistor Amplifier Using h-Parameters (Part 3)
  99. 99 Approximate Hybrid Equivalent Model
  100. 100 Conversion of h-Parameters
  101. 101 re Transistor Model (Part 1)
  102. 102 re Transistor Model (Part 2)
  103. 103 re Model (Fixed-Bias Configuration) | Part 1
  104. 104 re Model (Fixed-Bias Configuration) | Part 2
  105. 105 re Model (Fixed-Bias Configuration) | Part 3
  106. 106 re Model (Solved Problem 1)
  107. 107 re Model (Voltage-Divider Bias)
  108. 108 re Model (Solved Problem 2)
  109. 109 Hybrid-π Model
  110. 110 Hybrid-π Model (Solved Problem)
  111. 111 Emitter-Follower Configuration (Part 1)
  112. 112 Emitter-Follower Configuration (Part 2)
  113. 113 Two-Port Systems Approach
  114. 114 Two-Port Systems Approach (with Load Resistance)
  115. 115 Two-Port Systems Approach (with Source Resistance)
  116. 116 Two-Port Systems Approach (with Source and Load Resistances)
  117. 117 Two-Port Systems Approach (Solved Problem)
  118. 118 Cascaded Systems
  119. 119 Cascaded Systems (Solved Problem)
  120. 120 Darlington Pair
  121. 121 Touch Sensor Using Darlington Pair
  122. 122 DC Analysis of Darlington Circuit
  123. 123 Introduction to Field-Effect Transistors (FETs)
  124. 124 Construction and Working of JFET
  125. 125 Working of JFET (Zero Voltage at the Gate)
  126. 126 Pinch-off Voltage
  127. 127 JFET as a Current Source
  128. 128 Working of JFET (Negative Voltage at the Gate)
  129. 129 Output or Drain Characteristics of JFET
  130. 130 JFET as Voltage-Controlled Resistor
  131. 131 Transfer Characteristics of JFET
  132. 132 BJT Vs JFET
  133. 133 JFET Solved Problems (Part 1)
  134. 134 JFET Solved Problems (Part 2)
  135. 135 Construction & Working of Enhancement-Type MOSFET (Part 1)
  136. 136 Construction & Working of Enhancement-Type MOSFET (Part 2)
  137. 137 Drain Characteristics of Enhancement-Type MOSFET
  138. 138 Transfer Characteristics & Symbols of Enhancement Type MOSFETs
  139. 139 Construction of Depletion-Type MOSFET
  140. 140 Working of Depletion-Type MOSFET
  141. 141 Drain & Transfer Characteristics of Depletion-Type MOSFET
  142. 142 MOSFET Solved Problems (Part 1)
  143. 143 MOSFET Solved Problems (Part 2)
  144. 144 Introduction to FET Biasing
  145. 145 Fixed-Bias Configuration of JFET (Mathematical Approach)
  146. 146 Fixed-Bias Configuration of JFET (Graphical Approach)
  147. 147 Fixed-Bias Configuration of JFET (Solved Problem)
  148. 148 Self-Bias Configuration of JFET (Mathematical Approach)
  149. 149 Self-Bias Configuration of JFET (Graphical Approach)
  150. 150 Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration of JFET
  151. 151 Common-Gate Configuration of JFET
  152. 152 JFET Biasing (Special Case)
  153. 153 Introduction to Depletion-Type MOSFET Biasing
  154. 154 Self-Bias Configuration of Depletion-Type MOSFET
  155. 155 Depletion-Type MOSFET Biasing (Special Case)
  156. 156 Voltage-Divider Bias Configuration of Depletion-Type MOSFET
  157. 157 Depletion-Type MOSFET Biasing (Solved Problem)
  158. 158 Introduction to Enhancement-Type MOSFET Biasing

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