Multiple Pathways of Impact
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Classroom Contents
Adapting Agriculture to a Changing Climate: Risks and Adaptation Mechanisms
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- 1 Intro
- 2 Grand challenge: Ag and climate change
- 3 Improved estimation of climate impacts ...
- 4 Defining adaptation
- 5 US dairy: sensitivity to temp and humidity
- 6 Adaptation across space and time
- 7 #2: System choice and migration
- 8 Sensitivity and exposure to hydrologic hazards for major
- 9 Motivation for studying hydrologic stres on crop yields
- 10 Statistical model with observation and analysis data
- 11 What are the climatic yield sensitivities hydrologic conditions, 1981-2016?
- 12 How did the exposure to hydroclimatic hazards change over time and location?
- 13 How does snowmelt amount and snowmelt timing line up with crop irrigation demand?
- 14 Multiple Pathways of Impact
- 15 What's the impact of irrigation on emissions?
- 16 Calculating emissions from on-farm pumping