Gene Drives
Class Central Classrooms beta
YouTube videos curated by Class Central.
Classroom Contents
A Crack in Creation - Gene Editing and the Power to Control Evolution
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- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Secret of Life
- 3 Understanding RNA
- 4 Epigenetics
- 6 Francisco Mojica
- 7 Women in Science
- 8 What is Gene Editing
- 9 Gene Editing in a Germline
- 10 Gene Editing in Animals
- 11 Gene Drive
- 12 Gene Drives
- 13 Tom Price
- 14 Gene Editing in Humans
- 15 Gene Editing in embryos
- 16 Gene Editing in somatic cells
- 17 Who pays for Gene Editing
- 18 Gene Editing example
- 19 Gene Editing in the foreseeable future
- 20 The moral of gene editing
- 21 The birth ladder on cloning
- 22 Flash forward to today
- 23 At some point
- 24 The moral thought
- 25 Who decides
- 26 Where is the moral line
- 27 Chinese researchers on geneediting
- 28 Changing attitudes about geneediting
- 29 Germany
- 30 Can we draw a line
- 31 A good idea
- 32 Is it a global freeforall
- 33 armpit odor
- 34 the value of basic science
- 35 US vs China
- 36 Electron Microscopes
- 37 The Thought Experiment
- 38 China
- 39 Competition
- 40 Controversy
- 41 Competition in science
- 42 Chip story
- 43 Phone call
- 44 Dan Pearlman
- 45 Gene editing is widely available
- 46 Gene war
- 47 James Clapper
- 48 Maya Ashwin
- 49 JiaBin Huang