Feed-forward loop network motif
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Classroom Contents
Systems Biology
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- 1 Introduction to the class and overview of topics
- 2 Input function, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and cooperativity
- 3 Autoregulation, feedback and bistability
- 4 Synthetic biology and stability analysis in the toggle switch
- 5 Oscillatory genetic networks
- 6 Graph properties of transcription networks
- 7 Feed-forward loop network motif
- 8 Introduction to stochastic gene expression
- 9 Causes and consequences of stochastic gene expression
- 10 Stochastic modeling
- 11 Life at low Reynolds number
- 12 Robustness and bacterial chemotaxis
- 13 Robustness in development and pattern formation
- 14 Microbial evolution experiments and optimal gene circuit design
- 15 Evolution in finite populations
- 16 Clonal interference and the distribution of beneficial mutations
- 17 Fitness landscapes and sequence spaces
- 18 Evolutionary games
- 19 Survival in fluctuating environments
- 20 Parasites, the evolution of virulence and sex
- 21 Interspecies interactions
- 22 Ecosystem stability, critical transitions, and biodiversity
- 23 Dynamics of populations in space
- 24 The neutral theory of ecology