23.4 Potential Energy of a Spring
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Classroom Contents
Classical Mechanics
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- 1 8.01SC Classical Mechanics Introduction
- 2 0.1 Vectors vs. Scalars
- 3 0.2 Vector Operators
- 4 0.3 Coordinate Systems and Unit Vectors
- 5 0.4 Vectors - Magnitude and Direction
- 6 0.5 Vector Decomposition into components
- 7 0.6 Going Between Representations
- 8 1.0 Week 1 Introduction
- 9 1.1 Coordinate Systems and Unit Vectors in 1D
- 10 1.2 Position Vector in 1D
- 11 1.3 Displacement Vector in 1D
- 12 1.4 Average Velocity in 1D
- 13 1.5 Instantaneous Velocity in 1D
- 14 1.7 Worked Example: Derivatives in Kinematics
- 15 2.1 Introduction to Acceleration
- 16 2.2 Acceleration in 1D
- 17 2.3 Worked Example: Acceleration from Position
- 18 2.4 Integration
- 19 3.1 Coordinate System and Position Vector in 2D
- 20 3.2 Instantaneous Velocity in 2D
- 21 3.3 Instantaneous Acceleration in 2D
- 22 3.4 Projectile Motion
- 23 3.5 Demo: Shooting an Apple
- 24 3.5 Demo: Relative Motion Gun
- 25 PS.1.1 Three Questions Before Starting
- 26 PS.1.2 Shooting the apple solution
- 27 P.1.3 Worked Example: Braking Car
- 28 P.1.4 Sketch the Motion
- 29 P.1.5 Worked Example: Pedestrian and Bike at Intersection
- 30 4.0 Week 2 Introduction
- 31 4.1 Newton's First and Second Laws
- 32 4.2 Newton's Third Law
- 33 4.3 Reference Frames
- 34 4.4 Non-inertial Reference Frames
- 35 5.1 Universal Law of Gravitation
- 36 5.2 Worked Example: Gravity - Superposition
- 37 5.3 Gravity at the surface of the Earth: The value of g.
- 38 6.1 Contact Forces
- 39 6.2 Static Friction
- 40 7.1 Pushing Pulling and Tension
- 41 7.2 Ideal Rope
- 42 7.3 Solving Pulley Systems
- 43 7.4 Hooke's Law
- 44 DD.1.1 Friction at the Nanoscale
- 45 PS.2.1 Worked Example - Sliding Block
- 46 PS.2.2 Worked Example - Stacked Blocks - Free Body Diagrams and Applying Newtons 2nd Law
- 47 PS.2.2 Worked Example - Stacked Blocks - Solve for the Maximum Force
- 48 PS.2.2 Worked Example - Stacked Blocks - Choosing the System of 2 Blocks Together
- 49 PS.2.3 Window Washer Free Body Diagrams
- 50 PS.2.3 Window Washer Solution
- 51 Newton's 3rd Law Pairs
- 52 Internal and External Forces
- 53 Applying Newton's 2nd Law
- 54 8.0 Week 3 Introduction
- 55 8.1 Polar Coordinates
- 56 8.2 Circular Motion: Position and Velocity Vectors
- 57 8.3 Angular Velocity
- 58 9.1 Uniform Circular Motion
- 59 9.2 Uniform Circular Motion: Direction of the Acceleration
- 60 10.1 Circular Motion - Acceleration
- 61 10.2 Angular Acceleration
- 62 10.3 Worked Example - Angular position from angular acceleration.
- 63 11.1 Newton's 2nd Law and Circular Motion
- 64 11.2 Worked Example - Car on a Banked Turn
- 65 11.3 Demo: Rotating Bucket
- 66 PS.3.1 Worked Example - Orbital Circular Motion - Radius
- 67 PS.3.1 Worked Example - Orbital Circular Motion - Velocity
- 68 PS.3.1 Worked Example - Orbital Circular Motion - Period
- 69 12.0 Week 4 Introduction
- 70 12.1 Pulley Problems
- 71 12.2 Constraint Condition
- 72 12.3 Virtual Displacement
- 73 12.4 Solve the System of Equations
- 74 12.5 Worked Example: 2 Blocks and 2 Pulleys
- 75 13.1 Rope Hanging Between Trees
- 76 13.2 Differential Analysis of a Massive Rope
- 77 13.3 Differential Elements
- 78 13.4 Density
- 79 13.5 Demo: Wrapping Friction
- 80 13.6 Summary for Differential Analysis
- 81 14.1 Intro to resistive forces
- 82 14.2 Resistive forces - low speed case
- 83 14.3 Resistive forces - high speed case
- 84 15.0 Week 5 Introduction
- 85 15.1 Momentum and Impulse
- 86 15.2 Impulse is a Vector
- 87 15.3 Worked Example - Bouncing Ball
- 88 15.4 Momentum of a System of Point Particles
- 89 15.5 Force on a System of Particles
- 90 16.1 Cases of Constant Momentum
- 91 16.2 Momentum Diagrams
- 92 17.1 Definition of the Center of Mass
- 93 17.2 Worked Example - Center of Mass of 3 Objects
- 94 17.3 Center of Mass of a Continuous System
- 95 17.5 Worked Example - Center of Mass of a Uniform Rod
- 96 17.6 Velocity and Acceleration of the Center of Mass
- 97 17.7 Reduction of a System to a Point Particle
- 98 18.0 Week 6 Introduction
- 99 18.1 Relative Velocity
- 100 18.2 Set up a Recoil Problem
- 101 18.3 Solve for Velocity in the Ground Frame
- 102 18.4 Solve for Velocity in the Moving Frame
- 103 19.1 Rocket Problem 1 - Set up the Problem
- 104 19.2 Rocket Problem 2 - Momentum Diagrams
- 105 19.3 Rocket Problem 3 - Mass Relations
- 106 19.4 Rocket Problem 4 - Solution
- 107 19.5 Rocket Problem 5 - Thrust and External Forces
- 108 19.6 Rocket Problem 6 - Solution for No External Forces
- 109 19.7 Rocket Problem 7 - Solution with External Forces
- 110 PS.6.1 Rocket Sled - Differential Equation
- 111 PS.6.1 Rocket Sled - Integrate the Rocket Equation
- 112 PS.6.1 Rocket Sled - Solve for Initial Velocity
- 113 PS.6.2 Snowplow Problem
- 114 20.0 Week 7 Introduction
- 115 20.1 Kinetic Energy
- 116 20.2 Work by a Constant Force
- 117 20.3 Work by a Non-Constant Force
- 118 20.4 Integrate adt and adx
- 119 20.5 Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
- 120 20.6 Power
- 121 21.1 Scalar Product Properties
- 122 21.2 Scalar Product in Cartesian Coordinates
- 123 21.3 Kinetic Energy as a Scalar Product
- 124 21.4 Work in 2D and 3D
- 125 21.5 Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem in 2D and 3D
- 126 21.6 Worked Example: Block Going Down a Ramp
- 127 22.1 Path Independence - Gravity
- 128 22.2 Path Dependence - Friction
- 129 22.3 Conservative Forces
- 130 22.4 Non-conservative Forces
- 131 22.5 Summary of Work and Kinetic Energy
- 132 PS.7.1 Worked Example - Collision and Sliding on a Rough Surface
- 133 23.0 Week 8 Introduction
- 134 23.1 Introduction to Potential Energy
- 135 23.2 Potential Energy of Gravity near the Surface of the Earth
- 136 23.3 Potential Energy Reference State
- 137 23.4 Potential Energy of a Spring
- 138 23.5 Potential Energy of Gravitation
- 139 24.1 Mechanical Energy and Energy Conservation
- 140 24.2 Energy State Diagrams
- 141 24.3 Worked Example - Block Sliding Down Circular Slope
- 142 24.4 Newton's 2nd Law and Energy Conservation
- 143 25.1 Force is the Derivative of Potential
- 144 25.2 Stable and Unstable Equilibrium Points
- 145 25.3 Reading Potential Energy Diagrams
- 146 26.0 Week 9 Introduction
- 147 26.1 Momentum in Collisions
- 148 26.2 Kinetic Energy in Collisions
- 149 26.3 Totally Inelastic Collisions
- 150 27.1 Worked Example: Elastic 1D Collision
- 151 27.2 Relative Velocity in 1D
- 152 27.3 Kinetic Energy and Momentum Equation
- 153 27.4 Worked Example: Elastic 1D Collision Again
- 154 27.5 Worked Example: Gravitational Slingshot
- 155 27.6 2D Collisions
- 156 DD.2.1 Position in the CM Frame
- 157 DD.2.2 Relative Velocity is Independent of Reference Frame
- 158 DD.2.3 1D Elastic Collision Velocities in CM Frame
- 159 DD.2.4 Worked Example: 1D Elastic Collision in CM Frame
- 160 DD.2.5 Kinetic Energy in Different Reference Frames
- 161 DD.2.6 Kinetic Energy in the CM Frame
- 162 DD.2.7 Change in the Kinetic Energy
- 163 28.0 Week 10 Introduction
- 164 28.1 Rigid Bodies
- 165 28.2 Introduction to Translation and Rotation
- 166 28.3 Review of Angular Velocity and Acceleration
- 167 29.1 Kinetic Energy of Rotation
- 168 29.2 Moment of Inertia of a Rod
- 169 29.3 Moment of Inertia of a Disc
- 170 29.4 Parallel Axis Theorem
- 171 29.5 Deep Dive - Moment of Inertia of a Sphere
- 172 29.6 Deep Dive - Derivation of the Parallel Axis Theorem
- 173 30.1 Introduction to Torque and Rotational Dynamics
- 174 30.2 Cross Product
- 175 30.3 Cross Product in Cartesian Coordinates
- 176 30.4 Torque
- 177 30.5 Torque from Gravity
- 178 31.1 Relationship between Torque and Angular Acceleration
- 179 31.2 Internal Torques Cancel in Pairs
- 180 31.3 Worked Example - Find the Moment of Inertia of a Disc from a Falling Mass
- 181 31.4 Worked Example - Atwood Machine
- 182 31.5 Massive Pulley Problems
- 183 31.7 Worked Example - Two Blocks and a Pulley Using Energy
- 184 PS.10.1 Worked Example - Blocks with Friction and Massive Pulley
- 185 32.0 Week 11 Introduction
- 186 32.1 Angular Momentum for a Point Particle
- 187 32.2 Calculating Angular Momentum
- 188 32.3 Worked Example - Angular Momentum About Different Points
- 189 32.4 Angular Momentum of Circular Motion
- 190 33.1 Worked Example - Angular Momentum of 2 Rotating Point Particles
- 191 33.2 Angular Momentum of a Symmetric Object
- 192 33.4 If Momentum is Zero then Angular Momentum is Independent of Origin
- 193 33.5 Kinetic Energy of a Symmetric Object
- 194 34.1 Torque Causes Angular Momentum to Change - Point Particle
- 195 34.2 Torque Causes Angular Momentum to Change - System of Particles
- 196 34.3 Angular Impulse
- 197 34.4 Demo: Bicycle Wheel Demo
- 198 34.5 Worked Example - Particle Hits Pivoted Ring
- 199 35.0 Week 12 Introduction
- 200 35.1 Translation and Rotation of a Wheel
- 201 35.2 Rolling Wheel in the Center of Mass Frame
- 202 35.3 Rolling Wheel in the Ground Frame
- 203 35.4 Rolling Without Slipping Slipping and Skidding
- 204 35.5 Contact Point of a Wheel Rolling Without Slipping
- 205 36.1 Friction on a Rolling Wheel
- 206 36.2 Worked Example - Wheel Rolling Without Slipping Down Inclined Plane - Torque Method
- 207 36.3 Demo: Spool Demo
- 208 36.4 Worked Example - Yoyo Pulled Along the Ground
- 209 36.5 Analyze Force and Torque in Translation and Rotation Problems
- 210 37.1 Kinetic Energy of Translation and Rotation
- 211 37.2 Worked Example - Wheel Rolling Without Slipping Down Inclined Plane
- 212 37.3 Angular Momentum of Translation and Rotation
- 213 DD.3.1 Deep Dive - Gyroscopes - Free Body Diagrams, Torque, and Rotating Vectors
- 214 DD.3.2 Deep Dive - Gyroscopes - Precessional Angular Velocity and Titled Gyroscopes
- 215 DD.3.3 Deep Dive - Gyroscopes - Nutation and Total Angular Momentum