15. American Film in the 1970s, Part I (2007)
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Classroom Contents
The Film Experience
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- 1 1. Introduction to MIT 21L.011 The Film Experience (2007)
- 2 2. Keaton (2007)
- 3 3. Chaplin, Part I (2007)
- 4 4. Chaplin, Part II (2007)
- 5 5. Film as Global & Cultural Form; Montage, Mise en Scène
- 6 6. German Film, Murnau
- 7 7. The Studio Era
- 8 8. The Work of Movies; Capra & Hawks
- 9 9. Alfred Hitchcock
- 10 10. Shadow of a Doubt, Rear Window
- 11 11. The Musical
- 12 12. The Musical (continued)
- 13 13. The Western
- 14 14. The Western (continued)
- 15 15. American Film in the 1970s, Part I (2007)
- 16 16. American Film in the 1970s, Part II (2007)
- 17 17. Jean Renoir and Poetic Realism
- 18 18. Renoir's Grand Illusion (1937)
- 19 19. Italian Neorealism, Part I (2007)
- 20 20. Italian Neorealism, Part II (2007)
- 21 21. Truffaut, the Nouvelle Vague, The 400 Blows
- 22 22. Kurosawa and Rashomon
- 23 23. Summary Perspectives - Film as Art and Artifact
- 24 Meet the Educator
- 25 Why Study Film?
- 26 Approach to Lecturing
- 27 The Film Experience: A Course in Transition
- 28 The Video Lecture Conundrum
- 29 Beyond Film: Television & Literature
- 30 Thematic Spines of the Course