R4. Free Body Diagrams
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Classroom Contents
Engineering Dynamics
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- 1 1. History of Dynamics; Motion in Moving Reference Frames
- 2 2. Newton's Laws & Describing the Kinematics of Particles
- 3 3. Motion of Center of Mass; Acceleration in Rotating Ref. Frames
- 4 4. Movement of a Particle in Circular Motion w/ Polar Coordinates
- 5 R2. Velocity and Acceleration in Translating and Rotating Frames
- 6 5. Impulse, Torque, & Angular Momentum for a System of Particles
- 7 6. Torque & the Time Rate of Change of Angular Momentum
- 8 R3. Motion in Moving Reference Frames
- 9 7. Degrees of Freedom, Free Body Diagrams, & Fictitious Forces
- 10 8. Fictitious Forces & Rotating Mass
- 11 R4. Free Body Diagrams
- 12 9. Rotating Imbalance
- 13 10. Equations of Motion, Torque, Angular Momentum of Rigid Bodies
- 14 R5. Equations of Motion
- 15 11. Mass Moment of Inertia of Rigid Bodies
- 16 12. Problem Solving Methods for Rotating Rigid Bodies
- 17 R6. Angular Momentum and Torque
- 18 13. Four Classes of Problems With Rotational Motion
- 19 14. More Complex Rotational Problems & Their Equations of Motion
- 20 R7. Cart and Pendulum, Direct Method
- 21 Notation Systems
- 22 15. Introduction to Lagrange With Examples
- 23 R8. Cart and Pendulum, Lagrange Method
- 24 16. Kinematic Approach to Finding Generalized Forces
- 25 17. Practice Finding EOM Using Lagrange Equations
- 26 R9. Generalized Forces
- 27 18. Quiz Review From Optional Problem Set 8
- 28 19. Introduction to Mechanical Vibration
- 29 20. Linear System Modeling a Single Degree of Freedom Oscillator
- 30 21. Vibration Isolation
- 31 22. Finding Natural Frequencies & Mode Shapes of a 2 DOF System
- 32 R10. Steady State Dynamics
- 33 23. Vibration by Mode Superposition
- 34 24. Modal Analysis: Orthogonality, Mass Stiffness, Damping Matrix
- 35 R11. Double Pendulum System
- 36 25. Modal Analysis: Response to IC's and to Harmonic Forces
- 37 26. Response of 2-DOF Systems by the Use of Transfer Functions
- 38 27. Vibration of Continuous Structures: Strings, Beams, Rods, etc.
- 39 R12. Modal Analysis of a Double Pendulum System