⌨️ Android - what is does findViewById function?
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Classroom Contents
Kotlin & Android Development Course: Build a Quiz Application
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- 1 ⌨️ Introduction
- 2 ⌨️ List, Set, Map
- 3 ⌨️ Mapping
- 4 ⌨️ Zipping and Association
- 5 ⌨️ Flatten
- 6 ⌨️ String Representation
- 7 ⌨️ Filtering
- 8 ⌨️ Test preifactes - any, none, all
- 9 ⌨️ Plus and Minus Operators
- 10 ⌨️ Grouping
- 11 ⌨️ Retrieve Collections parts
- 12 ⌨️ Retreieve Single Elements
- 13 ⌨️ Aggregate Operations - sum, count, average, minOrNull, maxOrNull
- 14 ⌨️ Comparable and Comparator
- 15 ⌨️ Binary Search
- 16 ⌨️ Generics - Type Paramenters and Casting
- 17 ⌨️ Generics - Upper Bounds
- 18 ⌨️ Generics - Covariance and Contravariance
- 19 ⌨️ Generics - Type Erasure and reifeid keyword
- 20 ⌨️ Generics - Where keyword; and 2 Upper Bounds
- 21 ⌨️ Access Modifiers
- 22 ⌨️ Packages and Imports
- 23 ⌨️ Exceptions - Try Catch, Finally
- 24 ⌨️ Lambda Functions
- 25 ⌨️ Lambdas - it modifier
- 26 ⌨️ Scope Functions
- 27 ⌨️ Download Android Studio
- 28 ⌨️ Android Studio Presentation
- 29 ⌨️ Android File Structure
- 30 ⌨️ Android XML and Design
- 31 ⌨️ Android XML properties
- 32 ⌨️ Android - what is does findViewById function?
- 33 ⌨️ String XML
- 34 ⌨️ Android Manifest
- 35 ⌨️ Android Button and TextView
- 36 ⌨️ Android Button OnClickListener
- 37 ⌨️ Android EditText
- 38 ⌨️ Android App - Convert Inches
- 39 ⌨️ Android App - Convert Inches 2
- 40 ⌨️ Android App - Change Color
- 41 ⌨️ Android Radio Buttons 1
- 42 ⌨️ Android Radio Buttons 2
- 43 ⌨️ Android SeekBar
- 44 ⌨️ Android Toggle Button
- 45 ⌨️ Quiz App - UI Welcome Screen
- 46 ⌨️ Quiz App - Creating Question Model
- 47 ⌨️ Quiz App - Setting the QuizActivity
- 48 ⌨️ Quiz App - Connecting the UI with the model
- 49 ⌨️ Quiz App - Adding the Button functionality
- 50 ⌨️ Quiz App - Selecting the Right and Wrong answers
- 51 ⌨️ Quiz App - Setting up the UI for ResultActivity
- 52 ⌨️ Quiz App - Improve Code
- 53 ⌨️ Quiz App - Sending data to Result Activity
- 54 ⌨️ Quiz App - Solve score bug