The Built in Math Function
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Classroom Contents
JavaScript Course for Beginners 2024
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- 1 Introduction
- 2 What is JavaScript?
- 3 Setting up the Development Environment
- 4 Follow on social media
- 5 Variables
- 6 Constants
- 7 Primitive Types
- 8 Dynamic Typing
- 9 Objects
- 10 Arrays
- 11 Functions
- 12 Types of Functions
- 13 Summary of Variables
- 14 Intro to Operators
- 15 Arithmetic Operators
- 16 Assignment Operator
- 17 Comparison Operators
- 18 Equality Operators
- 19 The Ternary Operator
- 20 Logical Operators
- 21 Logical Operators with Non-booleans
- 22 Operator Precedence
- 23 Summary of Operator
- 24 If-Else Statements
- 25 Switch-Case Statements
- 26 For Loops
- 27 While Loops
- 28 Do-while Loops
- 29 Infinite Loops
- 30 For-in Loops
- 31 For-of Loops
- 32 Break and Continue
- 33 Exercise: Max of two numbers
- 34 Exercise: FizzBuzz
- 35 Exercise: Even and Odd Numbers
- 36 Summary of Control Flow
- 37 Object Literals
- 38 Factory Functions
- 39 Constructor Functions
- 40 Objects are Dynamic
- 41 The Constructor Property
- 42 Functions are Objects
- 43 Value vs Reference types
- 44 Enumerating Properties of an Object
- 45 Cloning an Object
- 46 Garbage Collection
- 47 The Built in Math Function
- 48 String Methods
- 49 Template Literals
- 50 The Date Object
- 51 Summary of Objects
- 52 Introduction to Arrays
- 53 Adding Elements
- 54 Finding Elements Primitives
- 55 Finding Elements Reference Types
- 56 Arrow Functions
- 57 Removing Elements
- 58 Emptying an Array
- 59 Combining and Slicing Arrays
- 60 Spread Operator
- 61 Iterating an Array
- 62 Joining Arrays
- 63 Sorting Arrays
- 64 Testing the Elements of an Array
- 65 Filtering an Array
- 66 Mapping an Array
- 67 Reducing an Array
- 68 Function Declarations vs Expressions
- 69 Hoisting
- 70 Arguments
- 71 The Rest Operator
- 72 Default Parameters
- 73 Getters and Setters
- 74 Try and Catch
- 75 Local vs Global Scope
- 76 Let vs Var
- 77 The ‘this’ keyword