Django For Everybody - Full Python University Course

Django For Everybody - Full Python University Course via freeCodeCamp Direct link

Many-to-Many Overview

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65 of 92

Many-to-Many Overview

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Classroom Contents

Django For Everybody - Full Python University Course

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  1. 1 Why Teach Django?
  2. 2 Web Applications and the Request/Response Cycle
  3. 3 Exploring the HyperText Transfer Protocol
  4. 4 Using Sockets to Make Network Connections in Python
  5. 5 Building a Simple Web Browser in Python
  6. 6 Building a Simple HTTP Server in Python
  7. 7 Understanding Browser Developer Mode
  8. 8 The Structure of a Django Application
  9. 9 Installing Django on PythonAnywhere
  10. 10 HTML - HyperText Markup Language (Part 1)
  11. 11 HTML - HyperText Markup Language (Part 2)
  12. 12 Code Walk Through HTML
  13. 13 CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - (Part 1)
  14. 14 CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - (Part 2)
  15. 15 CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - (Part 3)
  16. 16 CSS - Sample Code Walkthrough (Part 1)
  17. 17 CSS - Sample Code Walkthrough (Part 2)
  18. 18 Using GitHub With Django and PythonAnywhere
  19. 19 Using ngrok to Submit Assignments to DJ4E
  20. 20 How Databases Work
  21. 21 Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
  22. 22 Demonstration: Basic SQL
  23. 23 Introduction to Django Models
  24. 24 Data Model Migration in Django
  25. 25 Demonstration: Django Single Table Models
  26. 26 Resetting your Django database on PythonAnywhere
  27. 27 Django Models - Many-To-One Relationships - Music Database
  28. 28 Model View Controller in Django
  29. 29 URL Routing in Django
  30. 30 Django Views
  31. 31 Inside Django Views and HTML Escaping in Django
  32. 32 Using Templates in Django
  33. 33 The Django Template Language (DTL)
  34. 34 Inheritance in Django Templates
  35. 35 Reversing Django Views and URLs
  36. 36 Understanding Django Generic Views
  37. 37 Forms, GET, POST, and HTTP
  38. 38 Building HTML Forms
  39. 39 Forms and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  40. 40 CSRF Support in Django
  41. 41 The POST Refresh Pattern
  42. 42 Cookies in Browsers and Django
  43. 43 Using Sessions in Django
  44. 44 One-to-Many Models Overview
  45. 45 Removing Replication in One-to-Many Models
  46. 46 Storing Primary and Foreign Keys in a Database
  47. 47 Representing One-To-Many Models in Django
  48. 48 Using the Django Shell to Explore One-to-Many Models
  49. 49 Loading One-to-Many Data using a Django Batch Script
  50. 50 Creating and Managing Users in Django
  51. 51 Login and Logout URLs in Django
  52. 52 Using Django Login in Views
  53. 53 Using Django Forms Capabilities
  54. 54 Walkthrough of the DJ4E Autos Sample - Generic Django Edit Forms
  55. 55 Data Validation with Django Forms
  56. 56 Exploring the DIY Hello World Django Application on Localhost
  57. 57 Exploring the DIY Hello World Django Application on PythonAnywhere
  58. 58 Virtual Hosting of Django Applications
  59. 59 Owned Rows in Django - Overview
  60. 60 Owned Rows in Django - Generic Views Review
  61. 61 Owned Rows in Django -
  62. 62 Walking through the DJ4E My Articles (myarts) Sample Code
  63. 63 Walking through the DJ4E Bootstrap Menu (menu) Sample Code
  64. 64 Walking through the DJ4E Crispy Forms (crispy) Sample Code
  65. 65 Many-to-Many Overview
  66. 66 A Simple Many-To-Many Example in Django
  67. 67 Many-To-Many Data Models for Courses and Membership
  68. 68 Building a Django Batch Script to Load Data from CSV
  69. 69 JavaScript - Overview and History
  70. 70 JavaScript - In the Browser
  71. 71 JavaScript - The Language
  72. 72 JavaScript Functions and Arrays
  73. 73 JavaScript Conditional and Loops
  74. 74 JavaScript Object Oriented Concepts
  75. 75 JavaScript Object Oriented Classes
  76. 76 Walking through the DJ4E Pictures (pics) Sample Code
  77. 77 Walking through the DJ4E Forums (forums) Sample Code
  78. 78 jQuery and the Document Object Model
  79. 79 Using jQuery
  80. 80 Walking through the DJ4E jQuery DOM sample code
  81. 81 Walking through the DJ4E jQuery setup sample code
  82. 82 Walking through the DJ4E jQuery events sample code
  83. 83 Walking through the DJ4E jQuery DOM modification
  84. 84 JSON/AJAX Overview
  85. 85 Walking through the DJ4E JSON Sample Code
  86. 86 Building an AJAX Chat with Django
  87. 87 Walking through the DJ4E JSON (chat) Sample Code
  88. 88 Walking through the DJ4E Favicon Sample Code
  89. 89 Walking through the DJ4E Social Login Code
  90. 90 Walking through the DJ4E Favorites (favs) Sample Code
  91. 91 Walking through the DJ4E Search (well) Sample Code
  92. 92 Behind the Scenes: Welcome to Django for Everybody - Why Django?

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