) map operator
Class Central Classrooms beta
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Classroom Contents
Angular for Beginners Course [Full Front End Tutorial with TypeScript]
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- 1 ) Introduction to Angular
- 2 ) Introduction to Typescript
- 3 ) SPA and Local Setup
- 4 ) Typescript Data Types and Functions
- 5 ) Classes and Interface
- 6 ) Typescript decorators and tsconfig file
- 7 ) Angular Installation and Binding Syntax
- 8 ) Built-in Directives
- 9 ) Built-in Pipes
- 10 ) Adding Bootstrap CSS to App
- 11 ) ngOnInt and Component Communication using Input and Output
- 12 ) Change Detection and ngOnChanges
- 13 ) ngDoCheck
- 14 ) ViewChild, ViewChildren and AfterViewInit
- 15 ) Content Projection, AfterContentInit and OnDestroy
- 16 ) Introduction
- 17 ) Resolution Modifiers
- 18 ) Value Providers
- 19 ) Setting Up HttpClientModule
- 20 ) HttpService , RxJs observables and http get
- 21 ) RxJs Observable and Observer
- 22 ) Http Put and Delete
- 23 ) Http Request
- 24 ) ShareReplay RxJs Operators
- 25 ) Async Pipe
- 26 ) catchError operator
- 27 ) map operator
- 28 ) Http Interceptor
- 30 ) Angular Router and default Route
- 31 ) Adding Angular material and navigation
- 32 ) Wild card, dynamic route and ActivatedRoute service
- 33 ) ParamMap and Activate Route Service
- 34 ) Introduction
- 35 ) Validation
- 36 ) Pristine, Dirty State and Reset Form
- 37 ) Custom Directives and Custom Validation
- 38 ) Navigation using Router Service
- 39 ) Feature and Routing Module
- 40 ) Nested and Child Route
- 41 ) Lazy Loading
- 42 ) Configure Lazy Loading using CLI
- 43 ) Using ProvidedIn Any
- 44 ) Router Events
- 45 ) Listening to Router Events
- 46 ) CanActivate
- 47 ) CanActivateChild
- 48 ) CanLoad
- 49 ) Introduction
- 50 ) Using Material Controls
- 51 ) Nested Form Controls
- 52 ) Dynamic Forms
- 53 ) Built-in Validators
- 54 ) Reset Form
- 55 ) Control Level Validation
- 56 ) SetValue and PatchValue
- 57 ) ValueChanges and UpdateOn
- 58 ) map operator with Form
- 59 ) Custom Validator
- 60 ) CanDeactivate Guard and Form
- 61 ) Custom Pipe
- 62 ) Resolve Guard
- 63 ) Error Handling
- 64 ) Introduction
- 65 ) First test
- 66 ) Testing Component and Service
- 67 ) Using Netlify for Deployment
- 68 ) GitHub Actions to Automate Tasks