Class Central’s Top 100 MOOCs of All Time (2019 edition)
The 100 highest rated FREE online courses and MOOCs from top universities around the world
Every year Class Central releases a list of the Top Free Online Courses Of All Time, based on tens of thousands of user reviews. This year, thanks to a growing number of reviews, we’ve expanded the list from 50 to 100 courses.
Free online courses? you ask. That’s right. For close to ten years, well-known and well-respected universities (think Stanford and MIT) have been experimenting with providing free versions of their courses online. At first, these “courses” consisted primarily of recorded audio from lecture halls and electronic documents with syllabuses and assignments.
Then, between 2011 and 2013, new platforms such as Coursera and edX began offering more interactive university courses, still totally online and free for anyone to use. These university courses attracted so many users – more than 100 thousand in some courses – that they picked up the name MOOCs, short for massive open online courses. Each year, more MOOCs are released, contributing to an ever-growing collection of university content that anyone can use for learning. While not all courses have remained free, all the courses on this list feature content that is free to access (though you will probably have to pay a fee if you wish to earn a certificate).
Fun fact: did you know there are now more than 13,000 MOOCs, from around 1,000 universities worldwide? With numbers like that, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the choices. That’s where this list comes in. Whether you’re online learning curious, or a dedicated online learner with a dozen courses under your belt, there’s probably something in these 100 courses that you could learn. And share with your friends, co-workers, and social media followers.
Methodology and Summary Statistics
Now, for those keeping score:
This list is based on more than 60,000 user reviews. To generate the list, we sorted the courses in our database by the Bayesian average of their ratings, then removed courses with fewer reviews and courses that have been discontinued.
- The Top 100 List features courses from 53 universities in 18 countries.
- Three universities have 5 courses in the top 100
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
- University of Sheffield (UK)
- University of Cape Town (South Africa)
- Three other universities have 4 courses in the top 100
- Stanford University (US)
- University of Michigan (US)
- University of Pennsylvania (US)
- And six more universities have 3 courses in the top 100:
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)
- Galileo University (Guatemala)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (US)
- University of Tasmania (Australia)
- Monash University (Australia)
- Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain).
- Coursera is the top course platform with 45 courses, followed by edX (24) and FutureLearn (17).
Still wondering about taking a MOOC? See our Help Center for answers to common questions. If you want to see all courses sorted by their ratings, visit the Top 100 collection page. Alternatively, you can browse the courses below.
The Top 100 Free Online Courses of All Time
- Technology (23 courses)
- Business (16 courses)
- Humanities (16 courses)
- Sciences (14 courses)
- Personal Development + Self Improvement (11 courses)
- Health & Medicine (10 courses)
- Engineering (5 courses)
- Language Learning (5 courses)
Technology (23 courses)
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)
Rice University via Coursera
In this course, get introduced the basic elements of programming (such as expressions, conditionals, and functions) and then use these elements to create simple interactive applications such as a digital stopwatch.
★★★★★ (3151 ratings)
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
University of Michigan via Coursera
This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python.
★★★★★ (7200 ratings)
Machine Learning
Stanford University via Coursera
Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition.
★★★★★ (350 ratings)
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
Massachusetts Institute of Technology via edX
An introduction to computer science as a tool to solve real-world analytical problems using Python 3.5.
★★★★☆ (122 ratings)
Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
University of Toronto via Coursera
Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen. This course introduces the fundamental building blocks of programming and teaches you how to write fun and useful programs using the Python language.
★★★★★ (103 ratings)
Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming
Georgia Institute of Technology via edX
Learn the fundamentals of computing in Python, including variables, operators, and writing and debugging your own programs.
★★★★★ (39 ratings)
Esri via Independent
Once, only cartographers made maps. Today anyone can. Still, cartographers can teach people to make better maps, just as chefs can show people how to cook better meals. With coaching from experienced cartographers and practical, hands-on exercises using ArcGIS Pro, you’ll become a smarter mapmaker, ready to go beyond the defaults and make better maps.
★★★★★ (70 ratings)
Introduction to Real-Time Audio Programming in ChucK
California Institute of the Arts via Kadenze
Throughout the course, students create meaningful and rewarding expressive digital “instruments” that make sound and music in direct response to program logic.
★★★★★ (31 ratings)
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
Vanderbilt University via Coursera
This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because it is easy to learn, versatile and very useful for engineers and other professionals.
★★★★★ (193 ratings)
Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists
Goldsmiths, University of London via Kadenze
In this course, students will learn fundamental machine learning techniques that can be used to make sense of human gesture, musical audio, and other real-time data.
★★★★★ (76 ratings)
Elements of AI
University of Helsinki via Independent
The elements of AI is a free online course for everyone interested in learning what AI is, what is possible (and not possible) with AI, and how it affects our lives – with no complicated math or programming required.
★★★★★ (122 ratings)
Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms
Stanford University via Coursera
The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: asymptotic (“Big-oh”) notation, sorting and searching, divide and conquer (master method, integer and matrix multiplication, closest pair), and randomized algorithms (QuickSort, contraction algorithm for min cuts).
★★★★★ (68 ratings)
Functional Programming Principles in Scala
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne via Coursera
In this course you will discover the elements of the functional programming style and learn how to apply them usefully in your daily programming tasks.
★★★★★ (65 ratings)
CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science
Harvard University via edX
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
★★★★★ (78 ratings)
Internet History, Technology, and Security
University of Michigan via Coursera
This course will open up the Internet and show you how it was created, who created it and how it works. Along the way we will meet many of the innovators who developed the Internet and Web technologies that we use today.
★★★★★ (36 ratings)
Creative Applications of Deep Learning with TensorFlow
via Kadenze
This first course in the two-part program, introduces you to deep learning: the state-of-the-art approach to building artificial intelligence algorithms.
★★★★★ (44 ratings)
Sound Production in Ableton Live for Musicians and Artists
California Institute of the Arts via Kadenze
This course provides hands-on experience in producing, mixing, and sound design with a digital audio workstation.
★★★★★ (30 ratings)
The Analytics Edge
Massachusetts Institute of Technology via edX
Through inspiring examples and stories, discover the power of data and use analytics to provide an edge to your career and your life.
★★★★★ (79 ratings)
Cryptography I
Stanford University via Coursera
Cryptography is an indispensable tool for protecting information in computer systems. In this course you will learn the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how to correctly use them in real-world applications.
★★★★★ (51 ratings)
How to Use Git and GitHub
via Udacity
Learn to use version control, an important tool for any developer. The course will focus on Git, a specific version control system, and GitHub, a collaboration platform.
★★★★☆ (50 ratings)
Python for Data Science
University of California, San Diego via edX
Learn to use powerful, open-source, Python tools, including Pandas, Git and Matplotlib, to manipulate, analyze, and visualize complex datasets.
★★★★☆ (41 ratings)
Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via Coursera
Due to python’s simplicity and high readability, it is gaining its importance in the financial industry. The course combines both python coding and statistical concepts and applies into analyzing financial data, such as stock data.
★★★★☆ (41 ratings)
Introduction to HTML5
University of Michigan via Coursera
This course will appeal to a wide variety of people, but specifically those who would like a step-by-step description of the basics. There are no prerequisites for this course and it is assumed that students have no prior programming skills or IT experience.
★★★★☆ (42 ratings)
Business (16 courses)
Startup School
Y Combinator via Independent
Learn how to start a startup with YC’s free 10-week online course.
★★★★★ (39 ratings)
Six Sigma: Define and Measure
Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) via edX
An introduction to the Six Sigma methodology and DMAIC cycle for process improvement with a focus on the Define and Measure phases, including basic statistics for understanding sampling plans and calculating process capability.
★★★★★ (69 ratings)
Presentation skills: Designing Presentation Slides
Tomsk State University via Coursera
The goal of this course is to change that by equipping learners with a set of tools to create simple, clear and aesthetic slides which improve the presentation of the speaker.
★★★★★ (115 ratings)
Marketing in a Digital World
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via Coursera
This course examines how digital tools, such as the Internet, smartphones, and 3D printing, are revolutionizing the world of marketing by shifting the balance of power from firms to consumers.
★★★★★ (164 ratings)
Excel: Fundamentos y herramientas
Universitat Politècnica de València via edX
En este curso aprenderás las herramientas más habituales de Microsoft Excel, desde lo más básico a los gráficos, funciones y tablas de datos.
★★★★★ (74 ratings)
Marketing Digital: Content & Community Manager
Galileo University via edX
Aprende a crear estrategias de marketing de contenidos y domina Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter y más. Mide KPIs y obtén resultados.
★★★★★ (87 ratings)
Preparing to Manage Human Resources
University of Minnesota via Coursera
Leave this course with a new-found understanding of the range of options available for managing employees, a grasp of what makes workers tick, and the readiness to develop your own HRM skills.
★★★★★ (41 ratings)
Introducción a la inversión bursátil
Universitat Politècnica de València via edX
Aprende las bases de la inversion en bolsa. Conoce los productos en que invertir, graficos e indicadores que usan los gestores profesionales.
★★★★★ (62 ratings)
Herramientas de la Inteligencia de Negocios
Galileo University via edX
Aprende el proceso de extraer y transformar data para generar insumos y tomar decisiones. Usa software, herramientas y sistemas de apoyo.
★★★★★ (129 ratings)
Análisis estadístico con Excel
Galileo University via edX
Este curso en línea entrega al estudiante los conocimientos fundamentales de estadística para el análisis de datos, tanto a nivel personal como empresarial.
★★★★★ (36 ratings)
Applied Scrum for Project Management
University System of Maryland via edX
Learn the project management processes, roles, mechanics, and philosophies behind Scrum, the simplest and most pure approach to managing work at the team level.
★★★★★ (111 ratings)
Understanding the GDPR
University of Groningen via FutureLearn
Get to grips with the General Data Protection Regulation and take the first steps to ensuring that your organisation is compliant.
★★★★★ (31 ratings)
Introduction to Financial Accounting
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Master the technical skills needed to analyze financial statements and disclosures for use in financial analysis, and learn how accounting standards and managerial incentives affect the financial reporting process.
★★★★★ (46 ratings)
Critical Perspectives on Management
IE Business School via Coursera
This course is designed for students of all backgrounds who have an interest in how firms are governed, the forces that have helped define modern management practice, and the outcomes of that practice not only for the firm itself, but also for the societies in which they operate.
★★★★★ (32 ratings)
Introduction to Marketing
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Taught by three of Wharton’s top faculty in the marketing department, consistently ranked as the #1 marketing department in the world, this course covers three core topics in customer loyalty: branding, customer centricity, and practical, go-to-market strategies.
★★★★☆ (56 ratings)
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively.
★★★★★ (55 ratings)
Humanities (16)
HOPE: Human Odyssey to Political Existentialism
Princeton University via edX
What sets us apart, and brings us together, as humans? How can we live up to our humanity? Join us as we explore not only “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” but “death, freedom, and the pursuit of meaning.”
★★★★★ (84 ratings)
What Is a Mind?
University of Cape Town via FutureLearn
Explore the most pertinent scientific and philosophical concepts for understanding our own minds with this free online course
★★★★★ (162 ratings)
Harvard University via edX
Justice, one of the most famous courses taught at Harvard College, is an introduction to moral and political philosophy, offering an opportunity to discuss contemporary dilemmas and controversies.
★★★★★ (33 ratings)
EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Leiden University via Coursera
In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments.
★★★★★ (51 ratings)
Know Thyself – The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life
University of Edinburgh via Coursera
According to legend, inscribed on walls of the temple on the sacred site of Delphi in Ancient Greece were two premier injunctions: NOTHING IN EXCESS, and KNOW THYSELF. This course will be an examination of the latter injunction in an effort to discover what self-knowledge is, why it might be valuable, and what, if any, limitations it might face.
★★★★★ (28 ratings)
Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society
The University of British Columbia via edX
Gender & Sexuality shape work, life and play. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to engage with key issues through key concepts and perspectives.
★★★★★ (42 ratings)
Model Thinking
University of Michigan via Coursera
In this class, I present a starter kit of models: I start with models of tipping points. I move on to cover models explain the wisdom of crowds, models that show why some countries are rich and some are poor, and models that help unpack the strategic decisions of firm and politicians.
★★★★★ (65 ratings)
Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion
University of Cape Town via FutureLearn
Discover ways to make education more inclusive, especially in areas where resources are limited.
★★★★★ (29 ratings)
AP® Microeconomics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology via edX
An overview of introductory microeconomics. Learn the key principles of economics and how to apply them to the real world – and the AP® exam!
★★★★★ (32 ratings)
The Ancient Greeks
Wesleyan University via Coursera
This is a survey of ancient Greek history from the Bronze Age to the death of Socrates in 399 BCE. Along with studying the most important events and personalities, we will consider broader issues such as political and cultural values and methods of historical interpretation.
★★★★★ (26 ratings)
Social Psychology
Wesleyan University via Coursera
This course offers a brief introduction to classic and contemporary social psychology, covering topics such as decision making, persuasion, group behavior, personal attraction, and factors that promote health and well-being.
★★★★★ (60 ratings)
The Bible’s Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future
Emory University via Coursera
With its walls razed to ground by Babylon’s armies, Jerusalem joined a long line of ancient vanquished cities—from Ur and Nineveh and Persepolis to Babylon itself. While some recovered from the destruction, others did not.
★★★★★ (33 ratings)
Shakespeare Matters
University of Adelaide via edX
Learn about Shakespeare’s plays and their influence through a focus on emotions such as love, hate, and jealousy.
★★★★★ (49 ratings)
Literature of the English Country House
The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn
Take a journey through the literature of English country houses from the time of Thomas More to Oscar Wilde.
★★★★★ (63 ratings)
Buddhism and Modern Psychology
Princeton University via Coursera
The Dalai Lama has said that Buddhism and science are deeply compatible and has encouraged Western scholars to critically examine both the meditative practice and Buddhist ideas about the human mind. This course will examine how Buddhism is faring under this scrutiny.
★★★★★ (26 ratings)
Moralities of Everyday Life
Yale University via Coursera
How can we explain kindness and cruelty? Where does our sense of right and wrong come from? Why do people so often disagree about moral issues? This course explores the psychological foundations of our moral lives.
★★★★★ (39 ratings)
Sciences (14 courses)
Mountains 101
University of Alberta via Coursera
Mountains 101 is a broad and integrated overview of the mountain world. This 12-lesson course covers an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on the physical, biological, and human dimensions of mountain places in Alberta, Canada, and around the world.
★★★★★ (327 ratings)
Extinctions: Past and Present
University of Cape Town via FutureLearn
Discover the diversity of life on earth, the impacts of five past mass extinctions and the prospect of a sixth extinction today.
★★★★★ (104 ratings)
Introduction to Complexity
Santa Fe Institute via Complexity Explorer
In this course you’ll learn about the tools used by scientists to understand complex systems. The topics you’ll learn about include dynamics, chaos, fractals, information theory, self-organization, agent-based modeling, and networks.
★★★★★ (114 ratings)
Quantum Mechanics for Everyone
Georgetown University via edX
Learn the fundamental notions of quantum mechanics at a level that is accessible to everyone.
★★★★★ (57 ratings)
Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Santa Fe Institute via Complexity Explorer
In this course you’ll gain an introduction to the modern study of dynamical systems, the interdisciplinary field of applied mathematics that studies systems that change over time.
★★★★★ (92 ratings)
Introduction to Biology – The Secret of Life
Massachusetts Institute of Technology via edX
Explore the secret of life through the basics of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, recombinant DNA, genomics and rational medicine.
★★★★★ (28 ratings)
Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology
University of Alberta via Coursera
Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology is a 12-lesson course teaching a comprehensive overview of non-avian dinosaurs.
★★★★★ (40 ratings)
The Science of the Solar System
California Institute of Technology via Coursera
Learn about the science behind the current exploration of the solar system in this free class. Use principles from physics, chemistry, biology, and geology to understand the latest from Mars, comprehend the outer solar system, ponder planets outside our solar system, and search for habitability in our neighborhood and beyond.
★★★★★ (40 ratings)
Mathematical Economics
Doon University, Dehradun via Swayam
After completing this course, you will have learnt: # How to build models by expressing words in symbols, numbers and equations # New techniques to solve complex problems # To measure the effect of change and discover techniques to improve your decision-making process
★★★★★ (33 ratings)
Forensic Facial Reconstruction: Finding Mr. X
The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn
Learn about the forensic technique of facial reconstruction from the experts involved in a real crime case.
★★★★★ (116 ratings)
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via Coursera
In this course, we learn the origin of the Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, and derive a formula to compute any Fibonacci number from powers of the golden ratio.
★★★★★ (36 ratings)
Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
University of Edinburgh via Coursera
Learn about the origin and evolution of life and the search for life beyond the Earth.
★★★★★ (31 ratings)
The Science of Happiness
University of California, Berkeley via edX
The first MOOC to teach positive psychology. Learn science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life.
★★★★★ (30 ratings)
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
Duke University via Coursera
This course provides the basic biology you need to understand all of these issues better, tries to clarify some misconceptions, and tries to prepare students for future, more advanced coursework in Biology (and especially evolutionary genetics).
★★★★★ (29 ratings)
Personal Development + Self Improvement (11)
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
University of California, San Diego via Coursera
This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about the how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information.
★★★★★ (8039 ratings)
The Science of Everyday Thinking
University of Queensland via edX
Learn how to think better, argue better, and choose better.
★★★★★ (46 ratings)
A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment
Indian School of Business via Coursera
This course draws content from a variety of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral decision theory to offer a tested and practical recipe for leading a life of happiness and fulfillment.
★★★★★ (431 ratings)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México via Coursera
¿Quieres conocer tus recursos y niveles de desempeño relacionadas con tu proceso de aprender? ¿Te interesa desarrollar habilidades para aprender más y mejor?
★★★★★ (106 ratings)
Maintaining a Mindful Life
Monash University via FutureLearn
Learn how to apply mindfulness techniques, so you can improve your communication, relationships and emotional health.
★★★★★ (115 ratings)
Critical Thinking at University: An Introduction
University of Leeds via FutureLearn
Critical thinking is a vital skill for university study whatever your discipline. Prepare for university now.
★★★★★ (32 ratings)
Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential
McMaster University via Coursera
Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence.
★★★★★ (2366 ratings)
Learning How To Learn for Youth
Arizona State University via Coursera
Based on the most popular open online course in the world, this course gives you easy access to the learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines.
★★★★★ (101 ratings)
How to Succeed at: Writing Applications
The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn
This free three week course will help you produce a perfect CV, application and online profile when applying for a job or course.
★★★★★ (128 ratings)
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance
Monash University via FutureLearn
Learn mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing and work/study performance in this online course.
★★★★★ (95 ratings)
Umano Digitale
University of Urbino via Independent
Digitale è uno degli aggettivi più usati di questo inizio di secolo. Non è un neologismo, ma ha assunto un significato che evoca le tecnologie informatiche, il progresso e l’innovazione.
★★★★★ (44 ratings)
Health & Medicine (10 courses)
Understanding Dementia
University of Tasmania via Independent
This is a course about dementia looking at a broad range of topics including, basic brain anatomy, pathology, dementia research, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, medical management, living with dementia, progression and staging, palliation, behaviours and therapeutic approaches.
★★★★★ (3865 ratings)
Understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
University of Tasmania via Independent
This course aims to improve understanding and awareness of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Members of the public will increase their knowledge of MS-related issues and those in the MS Community will be empowered to create and contribute to personalised MS management plans.
★★★★★ (142 ratings)
Preventing Dementia
University of Tasmania via Independent
Preventing Dementia is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offering university-quality education about the latest research in dementia risk and protective factors.
★★★★★ (2190 ratings)
Medicine and the Arts: Humanising Healthcare
University of Cape Town via FutureLearn
Explore the field of medical humanities – the intersection of the arts, humanities and healthcare – with this free online course.
★★★★★ (30 ratings)
Medical Neuroscience
Duke University via Coursera
In this course, you will discover the organization of the neural systems in the brain and spinal cord that mediate sensation, motivate bodily action, and integrate sensorimotor signals with memory, emotion and related faculties of cognition.
★★★★★ (38 ratings)
Discover Dentistry
The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn
An entertaining and illuminating course for everyone to explore the impact dentistry has on our lives.
★★★★★ (43 ratings)
The Musculoskeletal System: The Science of Staying Active into Old Age
Newcastle University via FutureLearn
Demystify the ageing process and learn how our everyday behaviours are likely to affect our long-term musculoskeletal health.
★★★★★ (114 ratings)
Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us
University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
The course is designed for a broad, general audience but will be particularly interesting for individuals working in healthcare, those considering a career as a healthcare professional, lay caregivers, those with an interest in personal health and fitness, or anyone who simply wants to understand how the body functions.
★★★★★ (43 ratings)
Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the Statistics
University of Cape Town via Coursera
If you’ve ever skipped over`the results section of a medical paper because terms like “confidence interval” or “p-value” go over your head, then you’re in the right place.
★★★★★ (292 ratings)
Food as Medicine
Monash University via FutureLearn
Explore the role of food in health. Apply nutrition science to guide you on using food as medicine for you and your family.
★★★★☆ (55 ratings)
Engineering (5)
Circuits and Electronics 1: Basic Circuit Analysis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology via edX
Learn techniques that are foundational to the design of microchips used in smartphones, self-driving cars, computers, and the Internet.
★★★★★ (46 ratings)
Matrix Algebra for Engineers
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via Coursera
This course is all about matrices, and concisely covers the linear algebra that an engineer should know. We define matrices and how to add and multiply them, and introduce some special types of matrices.
★★★★★ (42 ratings)
Introduction to Mathematical Thinking
Stanford University via Coursera
A key feature of mathematical thinking is thinking outside-the-box – a valuable ability in today’s world. This course helps to develop that crucial way of thinking.
★★★★☆ (46 ratings)
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera
This course is an introduction to learning and applying the principles required to solve engineering mechanics problems. Concepts will be applied in this course from previous courses you have taken in basic math and physics.
★★★★★ (120 ratings)
Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading
Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera
This course explores the topic of solid objects subjected to stress and strain. The methods taught in the course are used to predict the response of engineering structures to various types of loading, and to analyze the vulnerability of these structures to various failure modes.
★★★★★ (51 ratings)
Language Learning(5)
English in Early Childhood: Language Learning and Development
British Council via FutureLearn
Discover how very young children learn English as an additional language and how you can help them progress.
★★★★★ (74 ratings)
Tsinghua Chinese: Start Talking with 1.3 Billion People
Tsinghua University via edX
Beginners’ Chinese course from China’s top university.
★★★★★ (62 ratings)
Introduction to Dutch
University of Groningen via FutureLearn
Learn to speak, write and understand basic Dutch, with this free, three-week, introductory foreign language course.
★★★★★ (111 ratings)
Basic Spanish 2: One Step Further
Universitat Politècnica de València via edX
Beginners course for learners of Spanish that focuses not only on language, but also on cultural aspects, specifically designed for English speakers.
★★★★★ (59 ratings)
English for the Workplace
British Council via FutureLearn
This course for learners of English helps you with the language you need to find a job and successfully function in the workplace.
★★★★★ (109 ratings)
Previous editions of Class Central’s Top online courses rankings can be found here: 2016, 2017, and 2018.

I am excited to have discovered this wonderful opportunity to get to know more about subjects that interest me, and how they interact.
Sam Merchant
This is a great list!