TOEFL Speaking Workshop: Real Practice over Zoom
In this workshop led by an ESL teacher, we’ll meet twice a week to practice for the TOEFL speaking section.
I’m an ESL teacher from Brazil. For the past year or so, I’ve been preparing students for the TOEFL exam. In 2013, I studied for IELTS intensely for 3 months while I was in Ireland. I’ve decided to take the TOEFL myself, so I can feel what my students feel.
As part of Class Central’s experiment on social learning, I’m organizing a Cohort on TOEFL Speaking for the second time. We’ve had our first group in Nov 2021 and it was a hit! Here is a quote from one of our learners, Kerem Kart:
“I’d like to share my TOEFL exam result I got after the cohort. I think it is a relatively good score, especially if you consider that I prepared for this daunting exam for only one and half months, so this is a success story!
I’d been thinking of taking the TOEFL exam for a long time, but I couldn’t dare to do it before. However, this cohort has given me motivation to take the exam, because we learned a lot of useful information as well as tips and tricks about it during the cohort.”
For two weeks, beginning on February 14, we will study the TOEFL Speaking Series and meet twice a week over Zoom to practice together. The Cohort welcomes everyone. You can enroll here.
The TOEFL iBT Speaking section is designed to measure your ability to speak English effectively in academic settings. It is composed of 4 tasks that resemble real-life situations you might encounter both in and out of a classroom.
Learning Through Practice
In each Zoom session, we will practice these specific tasks:
- Feb 16 (7am PST; 12pm Brazil): Personal opinions
- Feb 18 (7am PST; 12pm Brazil): Campus-related topics
- Feb 23 (7am PST; 12pm Brazil): Important academic issues
- Feb 25 (7am PST; 12pm Brazil): Academic lectures
In these sessions, I will provide rubrics similar to the ones TOEFL examiners use to score your performance, so you can receive real-time feedback from your peers and me.
In addition, this will be a great chance to test yourself and practice speaking in public. If the group is too big, we can create breakout rooms so everybody will have the opportunity to speak during the sessions.
That’s the plan. Come join us! You can enroll here.

Kerem KART
Hi Fabio, and rest of the Class Central Team,
I just want to briefly express my gratitude for this course. I think of taking the TOEFL exam in following months and this course sounded like a miracle to help me advance in my studies.
I know Fabio from ALOHAF Study Group and I can’t wait to learn by and with him again. Thank you for your time and effort!
That’s great Kerem,
I glad you can be part of this group too! You are indeed a great addition.
I’m looking forward to study with you.
I am glad to accept this thing,it is a good chance and needs lots of time and works,so do my best to accept other contents.
I am very weak in English
Would you advise me to continue with you?
My greetings