Hundreds of Hours of Free Conference Recordings on Online Learning
You can watch some online education conferences online. We’ve compiled them for you here.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many education conferences that traditionally took place in person were moved to an online format. This shift not only reduced participation fees but also expanded access through online recordings. Moreover, the pandemic sparked considerable interest in online education, enhancing the relevance of these conferences like never before.
Fortunately, some of these conferences have opted to maintain an open format or, at the very least, continue supplementing their in-person experiences with video recordings accessible online. In response, Class Central scoured the web for these recordings and compiled hundreds of hours of video content on conferences about online education.
(If you’d rather attend these events live, in person or online, we’ve also put together a list of all the online education conferences taking place this year.)
These recordings span a wide array of topics, including affordable online degrees, the future of higher education, flipped classrooms and blended learning, online learning communities, open educational resources (OER), instructional design, and much more.
Below, you will find the latest recordings available from a range of online conferences on online learning, alongside recordings from previous editions. We hope you discover materials that pique your interest. Please let us know in the comments if we have overlooked a relevant conference.
Online Learning Conference Recordings
ASU+GSV Summit 2024
“Started in 2010 with a collaboration between Arizona State University (ASU) and Global Silicon Valley (GSV), the annual ASU+GSV Summit connects leading minds focused on transforming society and business around learning and work. Our north star is that ALL people have equal access to the future.”
Full conference recordings here (70 hours).
“SXSW EDU (pronounced South by Southwest E-D-U) is most well known for the SXSW EDU Conference & Festival, an annual event that fosters innovation and learning within the education industry.”
Conference recordings here (100 hours)
Coursera Conference 2024
Coursera invites its academic and industry partners annually to discuss current trends and challenges in the online education world. Moreover, the Coursera leadership team presents Coursera’s vision for the year.
The full 2024 Coursera conference was not open to the public, but here is the CEO’s keynote speech (1 hour).
Open edX Conference 2024
Join this innovative EdTech conference to learn about innovative use cases for one the world’s best open source online learning management systems, the Open edX platform, and discover the latest advancements in instructional design, course constellation, and methods for operating & extending the Open edX platform.
Conference recordings here (40 hours)
Open edX Conference 2023
This conference was centered around expanding access to education globally, the future of work, and using open technology to solve today’s challenges of up-skilling, re-skilling, and delivering life-long learning.
Conference recordings here (31 hours)
Learning @ Scale 2024
Theme: Scaling Learning in the Age of AI. The prevalence of AI tools calls for new practices and understanding of how AI-based methods should be designed and developed to enhance the experiences and outcomes of teachers and learners.
Papers and proceedings here (some can be accessed for free)
Conference Recordings from Past Years
Coursera Conference 2023
Coursera | Online | April 13, 2023
Coursera invites its academic and industry partners annually to discuss current trends and challenges in the online education world. Moreover, the Coursera leadership team presents Coursera’s vision for the year.
Full conference recordings here (10 hours).
ASU+GSV Summit 2023
ASU & GSV | San Diego | April 17–19, 2023
“Started in 2010 with a collaboration between Arizona State University (ASU) and Global Silicon Valley (GSV), the annual ASU+GSV Summit connects leading minds focused on transforming society and business around learning and work. Our north star is that ALL people have equal access to the future.”
Full conference recordings here (140 hours).
Enhancement Conference 2023
QAA Scotland | June 14–15, 2023
“The International Enhancement Conference is a key higher education event in Scotland, where professionals from around the world share innovations in policy and practice. It’s ideal for educators, policy makers, students, and quality assurance experts looking to enhance their knowledge and networks.“
Full conference recordings here (5 hours).
Learning @ Scale 2022
ACM & Cornell Tech | New York, USA | June 1–3, 2022
The ACM conference Learning @ Scale “investigates large-scale, technology-mediated learning environments that typically have many active learners and few experts on hand to guide their progress or respond to individual needs.”
- Welcome address from Greg Morrisett, Dean of Cornell Tech
- Meet Me in the Middle: Retention in a MOOC-Based Degree Program
- Using NLP to Quantify Program Decomposition in CS1
- Panel Discussion: The Future of Assessments
- Millions and Billions of Views: Understanding Popular Science and Knowledge Communication
Program | Proceedings | Playlist (15 hours)
Coursera Virtual Conference 2022
Coursera | Online | May 4–5, 2022
Coursera invites its academic and industry partners annually to discuss current trends and challenges in the online education world. Moreover, the Coursera leadership team presents Coursera’s vision for the year.
You may watch all the sessions for free, but you’ll have to register here first.
- Creating More Equal Opportunity in a More Digital World
- Coursera Product Innovations
- Panel Discussion: The “New” Future of Work
- Creating a culture of learning to drive competitive advantage
- Panel Discussion: Innovative Pathways to Degrees
Video Recordings (28 hours)
ASU+GSV Summit 2022
ASU & GSV | San Diego | April 4–6, 2022

- (Re)Designing Edtech to Unlock Powerful Learning
- Personalizing the Learning Journey
- Why Education is Vital to Tackling the Climate Crisis
- The Future of Cohort-Based Consumer Courses
- Hollywood Becoming Harvard: Empowering Celebrities as Teachers
Playlist (138 hours)
Enhancement Conference 2022
QAA Scotland | June 8–9, 2022
“Resilient Learning Communities is the 2020-23 sector-wide Enhancement Theme. This Theme will focus on meeting the changing needs and values of an increasingly diverse student community and a rapidly changing external environment.“
- Welcome Address
- Keynote: Equity and inclusion – moving from aspiration to reality
- Evaluation Made Much Easier?
- Keynote: Successful Flexible, Accessible Pathways: Making this Work
- Work experience deserves credit: RPL processes in practice
Program | Playlist 1 (6 hours) & Playlist 2 (5 hours)
EMOOCs & Learning @ Scale 2021
HPI | Potsdam | June 22–24, 2021
“The boost in digital education worldwide as a result of the pandemic was also one of the main topics of this year’s EMOOCs. All institutions of learning have been forced to transform and redesign their educational methods, moving from traditional models to hybrid or completely online models at scale.”
In 2021, EMOOCs was held jointly with Learning @ Scale.
- Opening remarks from HPI Director Christoph Meinel
- Keynote: The role of institutions in defining the new normal by Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera CEO
- Panel Discussion: The Big Fish in the Same Tank: FutureLearn, Coursera, edX
- Round Table: Perspectives of Global and Regional MOOC Providers
- Perspectives from Oceania
Program | Proceedings | Video Recordings (20+ hours)
ASU+GSV Summit 2021
ASU & GSV | Online | August 9–11, 2021
- Stage X Conversation on the Future of Online Education
- Longer Higher Ed: The Next Generation of Life Learning
- The Rise of Community and Cohort Based Learning
- How Project-based Learning Wakes up the Brain
- India: Serving the Underserved Next Half Billion
Program | Playlist (152 hours)
Learning with MOOCS 2020
IEEE & Universidad Galileo | Online | September 30 – October 2, 2020
“This IEEE conference provides academic and industry professionals the opportunity to discuss research into MOOC technologies as well as the practical aspects of creating and offering MOOCs to diverse worldwide audiences.”
- IEEE LWMOOCS Conference 2020
- The Second Year of the MOOC by Dhawal Shah (Class Central CEO)
- Keynote: Achieving CSforALL through the Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) by Dan Garcia
- The Keys to Making an Engaging Online Course by Barbara Oakley
- Keynote: From MOOCs to Degrees and Back Again: The Georgia Tech OMSCS Program by David Joyner
Program | Proceedings | Playlist (8 hours)
Learning @ Scale 2020
ACM & Georgia Tech | Online | August 12–14, 2020
- Opening remarks from organizers
- Affordable Degrees at Scale: New Phenomenon or New Hype?
- Using Google Search Trends to Estimate Global Patterns in Learning
- Learning to Cheat: Quantifying Changes in Score Advantage of Unproctored
- Studying Retrieval Practice in an Intelligent Tutoring System
Program | Proceedings | Playlist (7h)
Coursera Virtual Conference 2020
Coursera | Online | April 21, 2020
You can also read Class Central’s summary of the whole event.
- Welcome Remarks from Daphne Koller, Coursera Co-Founder
- Coursera Keynote from Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera CEO
- Coursera for Campus: Supporting Universities During COVID-19
- Coursera’s Product Leadership Presents: Product Innovations
- The New Reality and Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education Panel
- Closing Remarks from Andrew Ng, Coursera Co-Founder
Playlist (2 hours)
ASU+GSV Summit 2020
ASU & GSV | Online | September 29 – October 1, 2020
- Creating Better Presentations that are Simple and Fun for Education
- Employers as Educators: Teaching Essential Skills of the Future
- University Leaders Forecast the Future of Higher Education A.D.
- Social and Emotional Learning: Pathway to Equity and Excellence in Education
- The Road to India: the Outside-In Perspective
Playlist (103 hours)
Enhancement Conference 2020
QAA Scotland | November 3–5, 2020
“‘Learning from disruption: exploring what counts in higher education’ focused on the evidence and experiences gathered from a period of disruption and asked how this might shape future higher education design, delivery and the wider student experience. Delegates from across the world came together to exchange views, identify shared values and explore how higher education is changing, both as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic and to meet future challenges.”
- Professor Mary Stuart, CBE: Universities in the 21st Century – purpose in a changing world
- Panel: Learning from disruption: exploring the impact of the rapid move online
- 10 simple rules for supporting a temporary online pivot for higher education
- impact? by Andrea Cameron and Julie Blackwell-Young (Abertay University)
- Professor Sally Kift: Keeping calm in the face of disruptive innovation
Recordings (6 hours)
EADTU Webinar on Joining Online Education
EADTU | April 21, 2020
“The Corona Crisis now forces students and teachers to work from home and organise education offered online. EADTU, as a representative of many leading higher education institutions in online education took the initiative to bundle examples and resource banks of members and related stakeholders to support you to join online teaching.”
MidSchoolMath unConference: 21st Century Math: Engaging Online Students in Multi-sensory Learning
MidSchoolMath | April 23, 2020
“We are opening the door to all math learners through multi-sensory experiences. When we engage students through multi-sensory activities, we are seeing unprecedented results and learning gains. This unconference is dedicated to providing you with tools and resources for facilitating online learners.”
- Keynote Address: Mathematics. Making the Invisible Visible
- Collaborative Problem Solving and Remote Learning with Teachley
- Math Jam – Bring Your Virtual Classroom to Life
- First Ever Algebra-Readiness Platform Created by Hit Songwrites /
- ASSISTments @ #MathUnConference for Teachers
- Distance Learning, Remote Teaching,and Collaborative Problem Solving Tool for Math
EADTU-EU Online Summit about “Digital Transformation and Innovation in Education”
EADTU | April 30, 2020
“EADTU-EU ONLINE Summit 2020 covers the following topics: Microcredentials; embracing a new qualification; implementing CMF in (MOOC-Based) Short Learning programmes, The concept and role of online Short Learning Programmes in European Higher Education, Empowering education by artificial intelligence, EMBED; the European Maturity Model for Blended Education; launch of the EMBED MOOC”
Program | Video Recordings (3 hours)
Webinar on Facebook and Higher Education Partnerships
Facebook | May 7, 2020
“The webinar will provide a summary of why Facebook has developed learning offerings for students and educators to use in the classroom that are focused on digital marketing expertise, which is becoming a necessary skill in any field (and not specifically for the marketing profession), as well as providing students with a sharper understanding of entrepreneurship.”
Program | Video Recording (1 hour)
EADTU IHE2020 Conference
EADTU | October 28–30, 2020
“The Innovating Higher Education (I·HE) conference focuses on trends and high impact factors in global and European higher education. This year’s theme is: ‘Higher Education in the new normal: the role of online, blended and distance learning’.”
- Recordings IHE2020 Day 1
- Recordings I·HE2020 Online Bridging Event Day 2
- Recordings I-HE2020 Online Bridging Event Day 3
- Recording IHE2020 Day 3_The European Maturity Model
- Recordings I-HE2020 Online Bridging Event Day 3
EdTechX Summit Online about COVID-19: The Disruptor of Education and Work
EdTechX Europe | May 12–13, 2020
“The online EdTechX Summit aims to have as many leaders as possible participate in this extremely topical and vital conversation. Explore the networking features and our extensive on-demand agenda below – then join us for the most comprehensive, connected EdTech event of 2020.”
Video Recordings (37 hours)
Webinar: Creating and Sharing Open Educational Resources (OER)
National Forum T&L | May 29, 2020
“This webinar explores how to share resources that you have developed as open educational resources (OER) in order to facilitate sharing and reuse by others. Key topics will include choosing an open licence, creating an open licence, and considerations for sharing and reuse. This webinar uses the National Forum Open Licensing Toolkit as a reference guide.”
Video Recording (1 hour)
Rutgers Online Learning Conference 2020
Rutgers Continuing Studies | June 1, 2020
“At the Rutgers Online Learning Conference, the best minds and frontline leaders in online education from across New Jersey and the country gather to focus on online, hybrid, and technology-assisted face-to-face learning. The annual conference is open to the public, attracting those from both private and public institutions each year.”
- Can online learning also be DEEPER learning? by Scott McLeon
- Avoiding the “Course and a Half Syndrome” by Ruth Ronan
- Building Online Teacher Professional Development and Resources in K-12 STEM, STEAM and Maker Education by David Jordan Shernoff, Suparna Sinha
- Opening Learning: How Using OER Challenges Adult Learners’ Conceptions of Learning by Brian Shevory
- Instructional and Curriculum Design that Addresses the Challenges Experienced by First Time Students in a Fully Online Course by Dr. Robin Eubanks
Webinar on Instructional Design And Course Planning for OER
Online Learning Consortium | June 10, 2020
“This webinar will discuss a strategy for course design with OER, and will present two practical and easy to use tools to guide the course planning, course design, and development processes. The evaluation and selection criteria checklist will assist faculty in choosing the most appropriate OER for their courses.”
International Conference On E-Learning In The Workplace (ICELW) 2020
ICELW | June 10–12, 2020
“The conference brings together researchers and practitioners from around the world, welcoming anyone interested in the uses of technology to improve education and workplace learning.”
- ICELW 2020 – Wed., June 10th – AM Session
- ICELW 2020 – Wed., June 10th – PM Session
- ICELW 2020 – Thurs., June 11th – AM Session
- ICELW 2020 – Thurs., June 11th – PM Session
- ICELW 2020 – Fri., June 12th – AM Session
- ICELW 2020 – Fri., June 12th – PM Session
OLC Innovate 2020 Virtual Conference
Online Learning Consortium | June 15–26, 2020
“It is more critical than ever that academic leaders, faculty, and administrators alike come together to ensure that our pedagogies are progressive, organic, and continually break new ground. OLC is committed to creating equitable spaces where academics, practitioners, students, and staff can work together across their unique experiences to build truly inclusive communities, learning environments, and support experiences.”
- OLC Live! The Heart of Engagement
- OLC Live! Interview with Keynoter Martin Weller
- OLC Live! Forging Meaningful Ed Tech Partnerships
- OLC Innovate 2020 Instructions – Classic
- OLC Innovate 2020 Instructions – Beta
Media & Learning Online Conference
Media & Learning Online | June 17–18, 2020
“Media & Learning Online is a two-day online conference organised by the Media & Learning Association with the help and support of the Media & Learning 2020 Advisory Committee.”
- Proctoring and the role of video
- Scaling up video production: recording or live stream professional-quality videos from home and on campus
- How a Reluctant Online Teacher Found Purpose, Connection, & Adventure Teaching Online
Video Recordings (5 hours)
29th EDEN ANNUAL Conference 2020
EDEN | June 21–24, 2020
“The mission of EDEN is to maximise the potential to exchange academic and professional experience, to promote effective navigation in the field, and improve the quality and depth of information available to the sectors concerned.”
- EDEN 2020 VIRTUAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE – DAY 1: Opening ceremony – Plenary
Course Hero Virtual Education Summit 2020
July 29–31, 2020
“The event will include three days of research sharing, presidential panel conversations, campus reopening discussion forums, online teaching demonstrations, learning science workshops, participatory breakout sessions for focused conversations, social events for network building, family programming (to keep the young learners entertained), yoga and wellness hours, musical interludes by emerging student artists, and even a DJ for some virtual movemaking.”
- Leadership vs. leadership by Michael Sorrell
- Teaching During COVID-19: Stress, Burnout, PTSD & Compassion Fatigue
- Student Panel: What Role Do Universities Play in Supporting Their Students?
- The First Week of Class: Building a Virtual Learning Community | Stephanie Speicher
- Creative Assessments for Online Learning | Benjamin Wiggins
- Design Thinking in Education: Empathy, Opportunity, and Ideation
Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Online Summer Summit 2020
ALT | August 26–27, 2020
“The ALT Online Summer Summit 2020 will bring together Learning Technology practitioners, researchers and policy makers to share strategies for the next academic year and the new challenges now facing us. Organised by the leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK, the Summer Summit will bring together leaders, researchers and practitioners from across sectors.”
- Learning Technology in times of Crisis, Care and Complexity – the Strategic view
- The Role of Learning Technology in Supporting Education Through Crisis
- Assessment and digital competences: building capacity with academic staff
- What we can learn from user experience design to make learning technology more inclusive
- Defining a digital future for teaching, learning and assessment: What do our students want?
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
EATEL | September 14–18, 2020
“This conference is one of the conferences with the longest trajectory in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning. It has become the main conference in Europe in this topic, and it usually attracts the main researchers in the field within Europe, as well as researchers from across the world. In addition, the conference is the meeting point for European Research Projects in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning.”
- Keynote by Samuel Greiff “Technology-Based Assessments in 21st Century Education”
- Keynote by Linda Castañeda: Beyond education as skill collection and technology as a tool
- Keynote by S. Seufert “Current & Emerging Educational Realities – Shaping the Digital Transformation?”
- Keynote by Jens Mönig: The Music Comes Out Of The Piano. Learning With Computers & From Computers
Program | Proceedings | Video Recordings (5 hours)
OEB – Shaping the Future of Learning | Dec 2–4, 2020
“Online Educa Berlin (OEB) is the annual global, cross-sector conference and exhibition on digital learning and training. The event has a unique focus, bringing you to the forefront of developments in learning technology. Since 1995, insights gained at OEB have pointed the way towards the future of learning.”
- OEB 2020 – Opening Plenary with Andreas Schleicher
- Keynote Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
- Plenary with E. Galli & G. Wilmshurst-Smith: The New L&D
- Plenary with David White and Barbara Wasson – Education Futures: Data AND Creativity
- Webinar #1: Scrapping the Syllabus: How to Lead the Shift to Online Classrooms, Fast
- Webinar #2: David White – Presence Machines: Creating a Sense of Connection Online
- Bert De Couture – Two Habitats of Learning
Program | Video Recordings (6 hours)

Heba Ledwon

John Mayer
Here is a free mini-course created for law professors held last June of 2020. All the materials and videos are freely available including MP3 audio for download, slides, transcripts and lists of links mentioned.
Preparing for the Future of Legal Education – Online Teaching Tips & Techniques