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Course Report

[2025] 250 Top Domestika Courses of All Time

Analyzing Domestika’s catalog to find the best online courses for the creative crowd: design, arts, animation.

Domestika is like Udemy, but for the creatives. While many of its competitors emphasize breadth, trying to cover many topics (such as programming and business), Domestika’s catalog of over 3000 courses focuses on creative subjects, such as art & design, illustration, animation, and photography.

In that sense, Domestika resembles Skillshare, another platform geared toward the creative crowd. Class Central has also scoured Skillshare in search of the best courses: 250 Top Skillshare Courses of All Time.

But the similarities between the two don’t extend to the business model. Domestika favors the Udemy approach: they offer some free courses counterbalanced by some expensive ones, while the bulk of their courses cost about $10 — though prices can vary considerably in different regions, as my colleague @suparn showed below by accessing Domestika via US and India proxies. And like Udemy, some courses are available with a Domestika Plus subscription rather than having to buy each course separately.

Finally, another distinctive feature (especially for a Spaniard like me) is that Domestika caters primarily to Spanish speakers: over 55% of the courses on the platform are taught in Spanish. That said, almost all include subtitles in English, Portuguese, German, and several other languages.

Domestika prices: India vs US in 2023


When we analyzed Domestika’s catalog, we were able to collect summary statistics. Here’s the short of it:

  • In 2024, Domestika offers 3256 courses.
  • Combined, these course have accrued over 26M enrollments.
  • The average course enrollment is 8000.
  • In total, Domestika courses have been reviewed 877K times.

And here’s a language breakdown of Domestika’s catalog:

Domestika: Catalog primary languages in 2024
Language Number of Courses
Spanish 1850
English 883
Portuguese 249
Italian 103
French 99
German 72

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Top Domestika Courses

Some statistics regarding Domestika’s 250 most popular courses:

  • Course enrollments range from 20K to 365K
  • The average enrollment is 45K — 23 courses have over 100K enrollments
  • The average enrollment is 53K — 28 courses have over 100K enrollments.
  • Combined, these courses have accrued over 13M enrollments.
  • Almost 95% of the courses are taught in Spanish.
  • Almost 76% of the courses focus on art & design.

Here are Domestika’s 250 top online courses, sorted by number of enrollments:

Suparn Patra Profile Image

Suparn Patra

Suparn developed an interest in MOOCs through a project he worked on during his MSc in Artificial Intelligence. He joined Class Central as a Full Stack Engineer.
Manoel Cortes Mendez Profile Image

Manoel Cortes Mendez

Software engineer and online graduate student in computer science passionate about education, technology, and their intersection.

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