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3000+ Online Courses from California Community Colleges (Fall 2024)

Class Central experiments with cataloging online courses from California Community Colleges, offering diverse, affordable, and credit-worthy learning opportunities.

The image is a banner featuring the logos of various California Community Colleges offering online courses, along with the Class Central logo. The left side of the image has a red background with the text "ONLINE COURSES" and "California Community Colleges" beneath a circular emblem, likely representing California Community Colleges. The right side of the banner, set against a lighter background, features logos of individual colleges: De Anza College, Foothill College, Chaffey College, Santa Barbara City College (SBCC), Los Rios Community College District, City College of San Francisco, and Fresno City College (FCC). At the bottom right corner is the Class Central logo.

TL;DR: Class Central is experimenting with cataloging over 3,000 online courses from community colleges across California. You can explore them all here. If the response is positive, we’ll plan to expand our cataloging for Winter 2025. Share your thoughts in the comments 

I just signed up for a Japanese 101 course at my local community college. It’s a 12-week course with 60 hours of live lectures and costs me about $200.

I wanted to keep myself sharp by learning something new, but I wanted a structured class with a sense of community to keep me motivated. I also didn’t want to break the bank.

That’s when I discovered the amazing world of California Community Colleges. I knew they offered a wide range of topics, but I was surprised to learn that over 1.9 million students were enrolled in the system last academic year.

Why Community Colleges?

  • Diverse Subjects: Community colleges offer an impressive range, from traditional academics to niche skills. I even know someone who learned to swim at one! They provide learning opportunities that can be hard to find elsewhere, both in-person and online.
  • Rigor and Credit: Many of these are college courses with credits, often more rigorous than typical online courses.
  • Affordability: The pricing is competitive. In my local community college, California residents pay $31 per unit, and for non-residents (including international students), it’s $245 per unit.

The Challenge: Finding Courses

Foothill College and DeAnza College class listings.

After browsing a few college websites, I realized each one has a unique interface. It became a bit of a scavenger hunt just to see what courses were available across the board.

Chaffey College and SBCC class listings.

Some interfaces are better than others. The California Virtual Campus does have a centralized online course repository, but it’s only helpful if you already know what you’re looking for.

For example, you can’t search for all Computer Science courses, but you can search for specific keywords like “Java.”

The Experiment: California Community Colleges Online Courses

At Class Central, we already have a catalog of around 250,000 online courses across 9,300+ subjects. So, we thought—why not experiment with cataloging California Community Colleges? If it works, we could expand to other community colleges in the U.S. and maybe even similar institutions around the world.

For this experiment, we collected information from 10 colleges (out of 116 colleges in the California System) and we were able to find 3000+ online courses.

We found courses in a variety of topics, including:

  • Exploring market dynamics: microeconomics, advertising, and behavioral economics
  • Learning to code: Python, Java, advanced C++, and JavaScript
  • Building a greener future: sustainable design, climate action, and environmental law
  • Human body in motion: kinesiology, fitness, and anatomy
  • Learning new languages: Vietnamese, French, and Japanese
  • Exploring society and culture: communication skills, democracy, legal analysis, anthropology, biology, and world history

All courses can be found on Class Central here. You can use the filtering options to explore topics that interest you. While we haven’t yet implemented a search feature in the user interface, you can still search by modifying the URL.

For example, to find Python courses, add “?q=python” to the end of the URL, like this:


This method allows you to search for any topic by replacing “python” with your desired search term.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Course Availability: Many courses might be unavailable due to enrollment limits or because the fall semester has already started.
  • Course Pages: For some courses, we couldn’t find a dedicated page, so we linked to search listing pages or the college homepage.
  • Enrollment: You can’t enroll directly from our list. You’ll need to visit the college’s website and go through the application process.

I am still not familiar with the Community Colleges system, but as I (hopefully) finish my first course, it will help me understand it better and build a better search engine for California Community Colleges’ online courses.

Dhawal Shah Profile Image

Dhawal Shah

Dhawal is the CEO of Class Central, the most popular search engine and review site for online courses and MOOCs. He has completed over a dozen MOOCs and has written over 200 articles about the MOOC space, including contributions to TechCrunch, EdSurge, Quartz, and VentureBeat.

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