The Ministry of Education (MOE) issued instructions to enable students to resume their studies remotely, providing 24,000 online courses from more than 20 online platforms free of charge.
It’s almost nine years since MOOCs went mainstream. We don’t know if they have changed the world, but has the hype surrounding MOOCs had a bigger impact?
While steps are being taken to allow students to earn academic credit through MOOCs, ultimately, it’s the receiving institution that decides whether to recognize the microcredential’s credit.
The report relies on extensive literature reviews, data collected from LinkedIn, and interviews with bootcamp founders, employees, and students. Three bootcamp founders were interviewed, as well as five bootcamp employees, two of whom were c-level executives.
In October 2011, Stanford started offering three of their courses online for free. A year later, there were 250+ free online courses offered by 40+ universities. MOOCs were born.